Personal injury lawyers fight for you when you have a personal injury case but the opposite party has a strong defense, or they may defend you against someone who comes with a solid personal injury case. Whatever the reason is, choosing the best personal injury lawyer you can easily afford and connect with is crucial. 


Once you have determined whether you need a personal injury lawyer or not, it is time to start looking for one. Usually, you have a personal injury claim when you suffer from long-term or permanently disabling injuries, severe injuries, or an insurance company refuses to compensate you. 

Here are some things to consider to help you find the best Portland Oregon personal injury lawyer.

Research Your Ideal Candidate

After looking for lawyers and law firms on the internet, you probably will end up making a list of attorneys that you think have the right experience and skill to handle your type of case. Once you have a list, start researching the candidates one by one. 

Attorneys come with a different skill set and negotiation skills. You should ideally be looking for their experience, negotiation skills, their understanding of personal injuries, and their level of communication with the client.

Here Are Some Things That Set Apart a Good Lawyer

Once you have the right candidate and you have found a little more about them, it is time to visit them. You should ideally keep these things in mind before hiring them.

Their location - If you’ve been injured in Portland Oregon, the ideal attorney should have the license to practice in your state. Ask them if they do.

Their Reputation - Ask about the lawyer in your local community and you’ll find his/her reputation. If he is popular, people will know his name and will speak wonders. If the lawyer is not good, you’ll hear the opposite.

Their Focus of Practice - Personal injury law is a very vast field. Sometimes you may need a lawyer that has a focus of practice for the right area. For example, if you suffered an injury at work, then it is an ideal choice to work with a lawyer whose focus of practice is work related personal injuries. 

Their Winning Record - This one is obvious. If you want to be represented by the best, then you need to find a lawyer that has a good winning record. Sometimes the winning records are displayed by law firm such as Johnston Law Firm, P.C. Find out how many cases the ideal candidate has won.

Last but not least, make sure the lawyer you are hiring has defended other people in the same situation as yours. Since each personal injury case is unique, it is always a good idea to find a lawyer who has atleast defended one case that is identical to yours. This way you can raise your chances of successfully coming out of the court with a win.