There was a profuse happiness as I took the two twinkling stars in to my hand. A feeling filled with pride, self worth, instantly shooting my amour proper to a notch higher. The memories of my first bonus and the things I bought with it still stay vivid with me after 7 long years too. It was the first pair of diamond earrings I ever owned, they were pretty as a star and I held them all night long in admiration. From that time, my love for Diamonds only grew stronger and stronger.


There is a triumph in buying Jewellery with your hard earned money. There are many factors which have changed the paradigm of Jewellery shopping in India. In the olden days supreme decision making power lied in the hands of men of the family. But as times changed, women have taken the front seat in being decisive. Now, with the millennial population on raise factors like the below have contributed to this surge:

High Disposable income: A major factor affecting the Jewellery purchase in a big way is the high disposable income. The average working age of the generation has been between the age group of 16-35, with no liabilities at hand, purchase power has increased leading to a shift in buying decisions.

Greater woman Empowerment: Another factor contributing to the steep increase in the purchase of gold is greater woman empowerment, unlike the olden days, woman are now empowered in a million ways ranging from the earning money or walking shoulder to shoulder with men. They have greater family support, wider extended family and also a greater access to family wealth.

Relaxed nuclear family norms: Unlike the joint families of the olden days, we are all bought up in close knit nuclear families that enable greater communication amongst the family members easing the stringent family norms to a large extent.

Information accessibility: Information accessibility is the prime aspect behind the surge in Jewellery buying. There are numerous websites both product and service based information within span of few seconds. They offer refined information on every minor detail of your purchase, from drawing price comparison to customization, from understanding your Jewellery to where to buy them. Example, if you are a newbie to diamond Jewellery and wish to learn on the basic elements, there are tons of pages that give you a checklist on how to buy a diamond. Likewise, if you are a Jewellery enthusiast looking to buy a diamond necklace, you can easily find the diamond necklace price by a click of a button. 

Retail reach: Irrespective of towns, cities and villages, with the upsurge of ecommerce, retail sector is now able to reach even the remotest part of our societies. The retail reach is another strong reason for increase in Jewellery sales. One can now sit at the comfort of their homes and order gold Jewellery online, try online, Live video shop, they even have the convenience of returning the item if they wish to from their door step. Example: there was a time when gold necklace for woman were bought only on special occasions and by visiting the goldsmith or the retail Jewellery stores, which is no longer the case now. One click of a button would give access to thousands of models.

A systematic approach to buying gold is the finest way to accumulate the precious metal. Saving a small chunk of our monthly income and planning a future purchase or anticipating the need of future purchase is the right way to buying precious Jewellery. A small and incremental Jewellery targets also help in reducing the burden of price. We all know that Jewellery is expensive to acquire and is often hard on our pocket. In order to relieve the pressure, look for investing in gold intelligently. Identify retailers offering EMI options and other similar advantages. This way we can enjoy the Jewellery and simultaneously not feel the pressure of buying it.   Keeping realistic buying goals can often ease the burden to a great extent. 

Saving a healthy portion of your income for purchase of gold is no longer a woman’s thing anymore. More and more men are also getting inclined to purchase the yellow metal, as gold has been growing exponentially over the years and each one of us would wish to reap the benefits. 

Signing off here, wishing you all a healthy saving and happy shopping!!