Wedding photography has evolved into a great profession lately. Many suggest that this is how the professional photography started in the first place, allowing the photographers to learn so much in so little timeframe. There are many great things about being a wedding photographer, and here is a brief list of the best things about being a wedding photographer in this day and age.

1. Learning New Skills:

    Wedding photographers learn versatile skills in a very brief time period. You’ll find yourself taking photos in different scenarios and at a different location every time.

    A wedding photographer is well versed in taking different type of shots such as portraits, landscapes, pictures of the wedding setup and everything in between. Also shooting with natural light in the day, and artificial light in the dark enables you to tweak and play around with colors. Shooting in different conditions helps you adapt accordingly.

2. Working Under Pressure:

    Wedding photography allows you to work perfectly under pressure and think according to the situation. Taking photos always requires a good decision making power, which improves when you constantly work under intense situations.

    As the time passes by, you’ll get used to working long shifts (as long as 14 hours). We know this sounds impossible, but experienced wedding photographers often work way past this limit. This improves your focus, decision making power and working efficiency.

3. Competing For Prizes:

    Wedding photography is no longer just a private thing, it has evolved into big industry. Now you can just click some masterpieces, tweak them a bit and post them regularly on top competition websites like PROWEDaward to win amazing prizes and get nominated amongst the best wedding photographers in the world.

    Competition allows you to showcase your talent to the world, win prizes and attract big international customers. So, websites like PROWEDawards are some of the best online platforms for novice and professional wedding photographers. For example: take a look at this masterpiece


Copyright: Daniel Becerril

4. Meeting New People/ Networking:

    Networking is only way to prosper in any new business. Same thing goes for the wedding photography work. An amazing aspect of wedding photography is that you get to meet new people and build strong working and professional relationships with them. Also registering on top websites like PROWEDaward (with minimal to no fee) can improve their internet visibility manifolds. It improves the SEO of their brand name, and whenever a potential customer searches for wedding photographer, their name comes on top.

    For example, if you do a wonderful job, maybe one of the client's family members would hire you next time, moreover, other workers at the wedding might also help you connect with new clients.

    However, networking solely depends on your social skills and the quality of your work. So, a wedding photographer can make new friends on work, and get new leads from them in the near future if he does a good job.

    Wedding photography is a wonderful business if you like meeting up with new people, socializing with them, participating in wedding photographers contests and building long term working relationships. However, you’ll have to give it all of your time,effort and brain initially to build a good reputation in the market. Make your wedding a memorable one when you send out your wedding invites. Good photography will help you remember those lasting moments! 
