
Doing sports video editing is not at all a piece of cake. Foremost it is important to choose the right camera and then choosing perfect editing software. This follows on with the shots and the music that goes along with that shot which proves it to be a daunting task overall. For instance, If you are less experienced with photography it is still possible to prepare dynamic videos for the team that holds the energy and enthusiasm of athletics.  

Here in this article, we will go through five important to get the sports video done all right.


A. The camera to work on is not an issue as long as the right technique is being used to capture the shot. Photos or video is always attractive in the landscape mode. Use a tripod or hold it steadily on the hands if possible to get the blur-free shot. 

Some cameras you can use to capture photos are:

Smartphone cameras that now come in higher resolutions with capabilities better than the handycams and almost as close as the DSLRs. Check on ways to zoom the camera to get the most suitable shot.
Point and shoot cameras can capture the best photos and videos. Several camera manufacturing companies equip their cameras with action mode that can capture moving objects that will be handy when capturing the live action of a match.
A DSLR camera is the most complex of all the types and it is necessary to know how to use the camera build on its settings. Increasing the shutter speed makes it possible to capture the player’s movements and a wider aperture will focus on the subject rather than the background details.

B. Try to make the videos with higher shutter speed. Shutter speed is the time, the shutter is exposing the film to light. Less shutter speed makes the motion blur to appropriately showcase the high-speed action of a game. Higher speed opens up the shutter for a small period, making it easier to freeze the action.

High frame rate is used by videographers to film commercials and full-length films or wedding videos. This is not suitable to film sports as it is too slow for it.

C. It is compulsory to figure out the photos to capture .therefore for each type of sport there are certain aspects of the sport you will want to take in your lenses. Shoot from various positions to get the different angles of the game. You can also make the look dramatic by taking the shots from the lower ground.

As someone watches the game from the stadium seats, it will be great if you can watch the game as close as possible. However, this is not the case while shooting a sports video as the angle does not give the viewers the best view of the action. If the space between the camera and the other end of the field is too less, the spatial relationship becomes disoriented

D. Filming in the wide shot mode is more preferred as compared to close-ups as here you must focus on how everyone in both the teams is playing on rather an individual subject or person in particular. Make sure you are mindful about your audience. Do not zoom in the action too much or else it will be difficult to focus on the game and may miss some important moments of the game. A wider shot means that the strategy being applied by the teammates and the team is visible to win the match. The footage is not adrift.

Another concept that is used nowadays because of the DSLRs by many videographers is the shallow depth of field. Videographers do this using fast lenses and large sensors and give an artistic look to the video. To make this work, it is important to manage the field of focus while shooting. If missing a moment in the game while shooting a shallow DOF then the video can turn into a nuisance. So experts suggest to only use shallow DOF only if you are great with it.

E. After clicking the photos and of the game, now it is the time to compile the best shots (photos or video clips) to ensure that the game looks vibrant. Try to keep the video shorter which will keep the audiences engaged and will make them watch till the end. Choose a video style that works well with the game and makes sure that the music goes well with the game’s video. The end product has to be something that goes well with the audiences and make them watch your next game video.

The tips provided here in the article proves the point that sports videography is as tedious as shooting a full-length movie. Sports videography although interesting requires the same level of creativity and hard work to showcase the outstanding moments of the game to its audience.

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