
A lot of people think that online dating is an easy way to get laid. What they don’t realize is that these sites have millions of men and women looking to date the best people they can find. So there is naturally a lot of competition. If you go to an online dating site in hopes of finding someone to date within an hour or less, you may want to rethink.

The competition is so intense on online dating sites that it is near impossible to get someone’s attention no matter how good you are. The only way to actually get the women to talk back to you is to throw openers that really impress them and catches their attention.

Getting a woman to take the interest you on an online dating site is an art in itself. It requires a lot of clever thinking and at times humor. If you’ve not been having success with women on dating sites then you are probably not good with conversation starters. Fear not, we have listed down some of the best (tried and tested) Tinder and other hook up app openers to help you start a conversation with a lady of your dreams.

The Best Way To Start A Conversation On A Dating Site

Instead of throwing the old and boring ‘hey there’, or ‘hi’, try and get a little creative. There are many ways you can start a conversation that actually makes you stand out from the rest of the competition. If you’re not sure what we are talking about, read below.

Send A GIF

One of the best ways to catch the attention of women is to send them an animated message. And one of the best ways to send an animated message is to use a GIF. There are literally thousands of funny and attention-grabbing GIFS that will help you say hi to the woman you are trying to woo. And these Gifs usually always work if you can pick the right one according to the personality of the woman you are trying to get in touch with.

We suggest that you study the girl carefully and note down her interests and try to figure out her personality. Once you have done that, you can pick a gif that’ll impress her and watch how quickly she responds to you. 

Don’t Resort to Typical Messages

If you’re not good at picking Gif images to impress a woman, then you can try being different with the way you say ‘hi’ to her. Here are some of the best ways to say hi to a woman on a dating site.

Best Ways to Say Hi

Hi, how’s your week going?
Hi. How are you on this lovely day?
Hi, how’s your week going?
Hi. How are you on this lovely day?
Well, hi there. How’s life treating you?
Hey there, how are things in your life?
Well, hi there. How’s life treating you?
Hey there, how are things in your life?
Well, hi! How are things?
Hope your day is going well. What have you been up to?

Fun and Flirty Openings

Women love men who have confidence. Sometimes fun and flirty openings actually tell them how confident you are. So don’t be hesitant to use clever fun and flirty openings. Just make sure you are able to carry on the conversation after you have opened with this. If you can carry it well, she’ll be yours in no time.

You were the person I was really hoping would say yes.
Seeing that we matched just made my day. What are you up to?
Wow, I can’t believe we matched. I mean, I was hoping but didn’t think you’d say yes.
If you wanted to talk, you’d definitely make my day… or maybe a year.
I tend to wear my heart on my profile. 
Hello, Bonjour, Aloha, salute! (I wasn’t sure how to say hi, so I tried a bunch.)
I’m willing to risk the cooties if you are.
I like how your nose is in the middle of your face. That’s really cute.
I’d love to talk to you. For reals. No fakes.
I think I quite fancy you.
Double thumbs up to you.
You seem pretty amazing. What’s an amazing person like you been up to lately?
You seem pretty cool. And that’s all I have to say about that.
I was more excited to see your profile photo than pizza. And I really like pizza.
you know you look pretty cool. I could spend a lot of time talking to someone like you.
Oh man, when that It’s a Match message came up I felt butterflies.

Random Good Questions

While you are in a conversation, things can often cool down and both of you may run out of things to say. To make sure that doesn’t happen, use the questions below to keep talking to her. Show her that you are interested in her and she’ll love it.

you know you look pretty cool. I could spend a lot of time talking to someone like you.
Oh man, when that It’s a Match message came up I felt butterflies.
What’s a typical day for you like?
How would you describe your perfect day?
f you could be a character in any movie, who would you be?
What actor/actress would play you in the movie of your life?
What book are you reading now?
Do you read one book at a time or do you mix it up?
What’s one thing I should know about you that’s not on your profile?
What’s your favorite sports team?
If you could choose a superpower what would it be?
What’s the nerdiest thing you’re willing to admit?
What’s your favorite band?
What’s your favorite movie?
Are you introverted or extroverted?
What’s your favorite cocktail?
Do you have any pets?
Do you have any nicknames?

These are just some of the ways you can easily start a conversation with a woman on hookup sites. Once you have used these openings on a couple of women, try and be inventive and change them according to your style and personality. Soon you’ll become so good that no one on the internet will be able to resist what you say to them.