Wi-Fi stands for “wireless fidelity”. Wi-Fi launch connection between different gadgets and devices. Furthermore, router decodes the radio signals which is received from the Wi-Fi links and then convert them into the internet. Contrary, when Wi-Fi signals received on the specific device then converted signals of binary data into radio signals for distribution to the different devices which are using the internet. 


Wi-Fi radio ways have quite different from other radio waves:

· Frequency transmit rate is about 2.4 GHz t0 5 GHz for cellular devices.
· 802.11a networking standard is used by the network through 802.11a transmits the 5GHz and move up to 54 megabits of data per second.
· 802.11b is the slowest and cheap standard which transmits the 2.4 GHz frequency band of the radio spectrum. It can move up to 11 megabits of data per second.
· 802.11g can also transmit the 2.4 GHz, but it can move up to 54 megabits of data per second so, it is faster than 802.11b.
· 802.11ac is the new standard before 2013 which is widely adopted by the IEEE. It can transmit the 450 megabits per second. Sometimes it is called as 5G WiFi.

How to check Wi-Fi Signal Strength
You can utilize a Wi-Fi scanner application to measure Wi-Fi signal strength. Wi-Fi scanner catches the strength at the specific location and time. The number you are searching for is the RSSI, which indicate that “Received Signal Strength Indicator”. 

If you are using Mac OS X, you can get RSSI without installing any additional application:

1. Press and hold the Alt key while tapping on the Wi-Fi symbol on your status menu. 

2. On the rundown of accessible systems, discover the name of the system you are associated with, and the associated data, including RSSI, will be shown promptly beneath.

On the off chance that what you are really attempting to do is map the sign quality for a whole house or condo, we suggest utilizing a heat mapping gadget instead of a Wi-Fi scanner. This instrument will enable you to imagine the remote inclusion in various pieces of your home.

Here is detail about Wi-Fi signal strength quality given below


Strength of the signal


Mandatory For

-30 dBm signal

Prefect Signals

It is used in worldwide no alternate available for this network


dBm signal

Excellent Signals

Strength of these signals is excellent in modern networking.

-60 dBm signal

Reliable signal

data coverage and using of applications on a daily basis these signals are good networking strength

-67 dBm


Minimum speed okay

These signals only use for voice and Non-HD videos So, this just okay.

-70 dBm


Not Good

Signal strength is only for light browsing and the only email can be checked.

-80 dBm signal


Connectivity of the network is poor due to packet delivery.

-90 dBm signal


Due to distortion of the signal, the signals ate unlikely to use for the internet.

Wi-Fi signal Strength

Wi-Fi strength is complicated, an exact way to define the Wi-Fi signal is with milliwatts (mW).

  mW – (1 mW = 0 dBm)
  RSSI – Received Signal Strength Indicator (usually 0-60 or 0-255)
  dBm – Decibel in relation to a milliwatt (usually -30 to -100)

Ideal Signal Strength
For direct and fast signal, small tasks like sending the email, scanning the barcode, browsing the web, about -70Bdbm are good signal strength.

For higher – throughput application, which is used for voice over call, and video. However, -67 dBm is improved quality signals and approximately group of engineers recommended moreover, – 65 dBm support the mobile headsets like iPhone and Android tablets.

The most effective method to Boost Wi-Fi signal
NetSpot is a standout amongst the best applications to boost signal quality. When we are connecting with various network devices, we have been turned on Wi-Fi for different devices at workplace, telephones, work area, tablets and different gadgets all things considered it's critical to have a dependable Wi-Fi signal. NetSpot offers you numerous instruments and identifies the qualities and shortcomings of the network.

This is the first and snappy way that is to utilize NetSpot is to use Discover mode. Just open NetSpot and snap the slider on the upper left to change from Survey mode to Discover mode. This will promptly take a depiction of your encompassing zone and report the signal quality of each network, if you need to quantify your network signal quality in one area at that point Discover mode all you need. Be that as it may if wish to quantify signal quality all through your network, you'll need to complete a full site survey. Flip the change back to Survey mode and begin the new survey, you'll have to upload a map of the zone, or you can draw one utilizing NetSpot drawing apparatuses. 

Remote Site study is likewise a significant piece of Wi-Fi security examination. NetSpot is an ideal assistant for system security pros.