Search Engine Optimization is a difficult process, taking into account that Googles makes constant changes in its algorithms, and the ranking factors are periodically updated. Therefore, in order to avoid being outranked by your competitors, it’s important to always be informed regarding the latest SEO trends. 

The good news is that there are several SEO tools that can be extremely useful in monitoring your website’s performances in Google and evaluating the evolution of the most important metrics that influence your rankings in SERP. 

In this article, we’re going to talk about 3 tools that are mandatory for optimizing your website according to 2019’s SEO standards. Here they are:

1) Google Search Console (GSC)

Google Search Console is one of the most important services that Google provides to SEO practitioners. With the tools and reports from Search Console, you can measure your site`s traffic and performance. Also, using Search Console you can discover issues and fix them. 

For example, using Google Search Console, you will be able to check if Google’s spiders encountered any crawling issues while scanning your website. The best part is that GSC offers you suggestions on how you can fix these type of errors very easily. In addition, Google Search Console can notify you in case your website is affected by malware. Nevertheless, it can provide you with useful data for SEO purposes, such as the keywords that visitors use in Google in order to reach your website, external links, etc. 

In 2019, using Google Search Console is mandatory for any SEO specialist that wants to obtain the best results, not to mention that it is very intuitive and user-friendly. 

Key features of Google Search Console:

    • tracking your website’s KPIs in Google (number of clicks, number of impressions, etc.);
    • monitoring the most relevant keywords that visitors use to reach your website;
    • sending alert notifications regarding crawling errors, sitemap errors, mobile optimization, etc.;
    • updating the robots.txt file;
    • monitoring your website’s backlinks profile;

2) Moz PRO

Moz Pro is a set of tools that are meant to help SEO specialists by offering useful information in a more data-oriented approach. One of the most important advantages of Moz Pro is that it helps you identify and target long-tail keywords that are relevant to your business, while also comparing your website’s performances with the ones of your competition. 

Another important asset that makes Moz Pro one of the greatest SEO tools is the Google Chrome extension that displays in real-time two of the most essential metrics for a website: DA (Domain Authority) and PA (Page Authority). 
When conducting a keyword research, Moz Pro will associate a “difficulty score” for each expression, in order to help you make an idea about the level of competition and the chances you have to rank high on specific keywords. 

Key-features of Moz Pro:

    • displaying average monthly search volume and level of competition for targeted keywords;
    • offering suggestions for keywords from the same semantic family;
    • useful for analyzing competition in comparison to your website (backlinks profile, DA, PA, targeted keywords, etc.);
    • Google Chrome extension that displays DA and PA in real-time, for any website you visit;
    • custom lists with targeted keywords – very useful for comparisons.

3) Google Ads Keyword Planner

Although it was initially created for Google AdWords campaigns, Google’s Keyword Planner is one of the most complex and accurate tools used by SEO specialists to conduct keyword researches. Used mostly for creating an efficient keyword strategy and obtain traffic estimates for the targeted expressions, Google Ads Keyword Planner proves itself to be very useful when you want to find out the level of competition of the keywords of your business industry, based on their bids. Also, it comes with a set of filters that use CPC (cost-per-click) or the monthly average number of searches as criteria. In addition, the data-export feature proves to be highly useful for creating SEO reports. 

Key features of Google Ads Keyword Planner

    • offering the search volume for each targeted keyword;
    • determining the level of competition for each targeted keyword;
    • the possibility to create detailed reports for the targeted keywords.