Be the captain of your own vessel, or in this case, vehicle


Renting a car has become the number one way for travellers to explore the magical island of Iceland. There really is nothing like the freedom of driving around the island and taking in the stunning natural scenery as well as the many extraordinary sites that Iceland has to offer. Due to the increasing number of visitors that are choosing to travel around Iceland in a rented vehicle, there is plenty of information available online for travellers to read as preparation for their trip. It is possible to read about the best car rentals in Iceland and compare different options to determine which is the best company suitable for your needs. Much comes down to what kind of trip you are planning when exploring the different rental options in Iceland. Are you looking to drive mostly on the F-roads (mountain roads) where it is better to rent a 4x4 or are you planning to stay close to the capital, thus only needing to rent a 2WD? Either way, different companies offering car rental in Iceland have a wide range of vehicles at your disposal. By comparing the various offers online, you can make sure to find the best car for you. 

Reykjavik Cars

Once you have decided that renting a car is the perfect option for you when visiting Iceland, it's a good thing to make sure you are up to speed with all of the local rules and regulations. Here the expertise of the rental company is priceless. One of the best car rental companies on Iceland is Reykjavik Cars, providing visitors with the best suitable vehicles based on their travel itinerary as well as information regarding insurance and road safety. Iceland is stunningly beautiful but also traitorous when it comes to weather conditions. That's why it's important to listen to advise on how to best travel around the island. Cars on Iceland are equipped to handle the sometimes difficult weather conditions but to be on the safe side, car insurance covering such things as sand and ash protection is mandatory. Make sure to rent a car including comfort and add-ons like GPS and/or Wi-Fi to be ready for whatever may come your way when driving around. Gas stations on the island are usually DIY and credit or debit cards are standard procedure when filling up. Keep an eye on the rapidly changing weather and remember to ask the rental company for advise on pick up and drop off points. Reykjavik Cars are well-known for their service and they will make sure you can set off exploring the island with the best car and equipment possible. 

Start your exploration already at the airport

As a foreign national travelling to Iceland you will enter the country through Keflavik International Airport. Already here you can start to experience Iceland through sites such as the Duushús Museum where it is possible to visit the Reykjanes Heritages Museum. Close to the airport you will also find a former U.S. Naval Station from WWII as well as Viking World where it is possible to go on board a genuine Viking ship. Perhaps one of the most famous sites in Iceland is also located around Keflavik International Airport, the Blue Lagoon. Most car rentals on Iceland, including Reykjavik cars offers the option of picking up the rented car when arriving at the airport and as such it is possible to start exploring the multitude of treasures littered around the island. Case in point, the already mentioned Blue Lagoon. Once having exited the airport area you will find that there is no end to the possibilities when it comes to magnificent sites on Iceland. With everything ranging from the Northern Lights to spectacular natural lava fields, the island holds something for everyone. Create your own personal bucket list, buckle up and simply start exploring. If you feel that you would rather wait to pick up your rented vehicle and instead take a taxi to your hotel and spend a couple of days in the capital, that is also possible. Most Iceland car rentals offer the possibility of picking up the rented car close to the hotel.

A unique experience

Exploring Iceland by renting a car is truly a unique experience. With everything from the challenging climate to the winding roads, it is an adventure worth taking. Start exploring everything Iceland has to offer already at the airport, or wait until you reach the capital and immerge yourself in the city buzz. Iceland has something for everyone and with accommodating car rental companies such as Reykjavik Cars, there really is nothing to worry about. They will make sure you have the best equipment possible for your individual travel itinerary. Iceland is mystical and unique, once you have experienced it for yourself, you will most likely be back for more.