There are a variety of field in law, and specializing in one can be quite challenging because you have to look at each of these areas and see which one will be most up your street. 

If you have decided to check out labour and employment law, you have come to the right place because we will let you know you about all the great things that come with being an employment lawyer Toronto, as well as the challenging aspects of it. Here are the main things you need to know.

1. What is a normal day for an employment lawyer?

When it comes to any fields in law, there aren’t any typical days and employment law practice is just like that. Each day will comprise of new and interesting cases that will be you at work. Labour and employment lawyers usually have to decide between litigating and counselling, or they can even choose to do both if they please. When it comes to counselling, that too is just as unpredictable as litigating. So it is safe to say, that if you choose to specialize in employment law, you wont have to worry about your work being boring.

2. Who are the people working with you?

A normal plaintiff case requires the assistance of a partner, associate and a paralegal. So you will be working closely with a small group of people. The size of the group is ideal for ay work environment because it doesn’t involve that many people that will lead to clashes but instead the merging of ideas will lead to cases being solved more quickly. When it comes to the clients, you can pick anyone and everyone, depending on your abilities and experiences regarding the specific cases. It is also a common practice for these lawyers to work with insurance companies.

3. Where will this profession take you?

The end goal for any associate is to become a partner after the end of their practice 8 or more years. But there are more career paths an associate can opt for. Some associates who are really passionate about the field will choose to work by themselves, taking on plaintiff cases on the side. There are also opportunities outside law, if that is what an associate is looking for.

4. What are the challenging aspects?

This fields involves a lot of pressurizing and challenging situations that can be overwhelming at times. It is also very demanding at times because people are literally depending on you to get them out of a difficult spot as their lives and careers are at stake. But in the end it can be very rewarding as well, being able to play an important role in someone’s life. It is also a very people oriented job so if you are not a people person, then this can be a difficult job for you.