
Writing and publishing seem to be the only two elements of blogging. But promoting and endorsing your blog is also very important. Maintaining an assumption that readers will find their way to your website to read the high-quality and valuable content from your blog, is anything but the truth.

It is highly necessary to bring into the picture the ideas of blog promotion in order to boost traffic. For your content to be watched and read, blog promotion ideas become an integral portion of your content strategy.

Quality content is a requirement of a good blog, but it also has to be promoted and marketed in a way it continuously that it achieves maximum exposure. 

Here’s a few ways through which you can promote and increase traffic towards your blog:

Create quality content

The first and most important step towards attracting a big reading audience to your post is that you make your blog the best version of itself. Without having good content to showcase, all the promotional tactics won’t save you.

Simply put, people don’t want to read, engage or share content that does not satisfy their expectations. A well written and informative blog makes people want to stay, read, engage and share. 

Plus, good content promotes itself. There are many ways to grow your blog fast, but you have to find the right ones for YOU.

Engage with social media

The number of social media users in 2019 is 3.484 billion. Almost half of the world population is currently active on social media and this gives you the biggest platform for gathering a potential audience.

One of the first steps in taking advantage of social media for your blog promotion is to set up a fan page for your blog. Finding ways to increasing the likes on your blog fan page will be a good start. 

This way, every time you post something, it will directly show up in your followers’ feed and you will get referral traffic. Facebook and Twitter are examples of such social media platforms that can promote and increase traffic on your page.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

One of the methods that is in direct control of yours and can make your bog more discoverable on Google search is Search Engine Optimization or SEO. Here’s a few steps on how to search engine optimize your blog for more traffic:

It is always advisable to use not more than 1-2 long keywords that match the search your ideal reader made. 
Include the mentioned keywords in your blog wherever they fit appropriately. Including them in the title, URL, header and, body of the blog is suggested.
Mobile friendly blogs are more acceptable. With the shift of internet users from computers to mobiles, it will always be suggested to create a mobile friendly blog in order to capture the attention of readers with all kinds of devices.

Online influencers

Online influencers usually turn out to be social media personalities, writers or bloggers. Tapping into the ecosystem of influencers can be a major boost for the promotion of your blog.

Influencers have a loyal fan following and a dedicated reader base. Here are some of the ways of performing this blog promotion idea:

You can ask social media influencers to share your blog on their social media handles.
Requesting an influencer to write and post on your blog will drive their readers to your blog or website and generate traffic for you.
You can contact lead generation marketing companies that will help you attract more visitors to your website and convert them into potential leads.


It is an optional yet crucial requirement for every professional and money-making blog to have a newsletter. The basic idea of a newsletter is to notify your already subscribed visitors about the latest content you post.

A newsletter is a way of giving the visitors on your blog and option to be reminded to return to your blog.  It is also very important to create an engaging newsletter design for your subscribers, something that attracts them enough to read through it. 

Most bloggers have confessed that the most traffic they have on their blogs is the day they send out newsletter to those who have subscribed. Newsletters have also proven to be one of the most important fetching forces in lead generation.

Guest blogging

Guest blogging is one of the most effective ways to promote your blog. The most important step to succeed in guest posting is to write the best content on relevant blogs that have a larger following and subscribers.

The right approach to guest posting can have a tremendous influence on your blog and can divert traffic towards your page if the content posted by you is interesting and engaging.

Ideally it is a good idea to target a website with a lot of authority and a higher viewership. Be willing to guest post different and unique perspectives on a though. This brings in the reader a sense of curiosity. 

At the time of guest posting, it is suggested to comprise a link which will redirect the readers back to your blog or website. This has been found to be a great way to attract visitors to your blog. 

Keeping in mind that the content you post is engaging and keeps the readers hooked, you can be assured that guest blogging or guest posting can act as a great promotion tool and direct a lot of traffic towards your blog if done properly.


To ensure that readers discover and consume your content, a lot of effort has to be invested. Blog promotion ideas ought to be put to practice to achieve its benefits. 

Promotion of a blog page or a website is not difficult. Its quiet doable if it’s done with the right intention. With the proper implementation of the tools and techniques, the desired outcome can be achieved. 

Different tactics work for different blogs. Our suggestion to you is to a make use of a few strategies and understand which one works out for you the best.