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Reading is recently undervalued, and this is a big mistake. It helps widen our horizons and learn from the experience of other people. It’s crucial for high school graduates to acquire writing skills. We compiled a list of books every high school student should read before college to help you gain the necessary knowledge. Check out several ideas to expand your knowledge of classical literature and prepare for college.


·       Romeo & Juliet

A story of two young people who fell in love is touching. This classic play by William Shakespeare is a must-read option in a freshman reading list. Even though this story was written many centuries ago, it’s still studied in high school. The reason is obvious: it covers topical issues such as love and friendship, violence and hatred, jealousy, and rivalry. Therefore, this is one of the most popular topics for discussion and analysis in colleges as well as of mice and men.

·   Of Mice and Men

A wonderful tale by John Steinbeck sets back to times of the Great Depression. Of mice and men paper makes readers familiar with events that took place in the U.S. in the 30s. The unadorned life of working-class is shown without exaggerations. The power of friendship shared dreams, and commitment is something readers value when reading this book. A tragedy about two men pursuing their American dream teaches us to love and be humane. You may read of mice and men essay examples to compose your own. It’s easy to find a free essay online to understand the structure and style if you’re inexperienced in writing.


·       The Catcher in the Rye

This is one of the strongly recommended books for high schoolers that shows readers the life in the middle of the last century and the problems young people faced at that time. The book by J.D. Salinger is interesting from the historical perspective. It described the emotions of Holden Caulfield, who realized that the whole world around him is phony, and he couldn’t find his place in this world. This book provides materials for writing research essays on different topics.

·       Animal Farm

George Orwell’s book, written in a genre of political satire attracts readers’ attention at all times. This is the reason why it’s recommended for reading at high school. Those striving for careers in politics can find many interesting insights in this book. Historical figures are depicted as animals, but readers can still recognize them. Orwell condemns dictatorship and terror using artistic means. The author used unique methods to describe important events in world history.

·    Frankenstein

This story was written by Mary Shelley in the 1800s. Victor Frankenstein created a monster that soon drifted out of control and ran away. It shows the consequences of doing strange experiments and playing God. This story transfers readers to the world of fantasy and makes them believe in unbelievable. This is one of the good books for high schoolers with strong moral offering vast themes for discussions and writing essays.


·       Hiroshima

Among other books for high school students, Hiroshima stands out. Written by John Hersey, this novel described events of the Second World War at 1945 that ended with the bombing of a Japanese city Hiroshima. This book should be in your list of mandatory readings if you decided to study history. You can find several essay samples and online reviews to discuss these events in your paper. The author of Hiroshima won a Pulitzer Prize that makes this book worth young readers’ attention.

·    The Great Gatsby

This book belongs to classical novels that can be found in American literature that is highly recommended for reading at high school. Scott Fitzgerald skillfully describes wealthy life, interests, and values of people who belong to wealthy social layers. This story presents exciting moments in American history. You can find samples of essays for free if you’re struggling hard to write your own. Also, critical reviews will help you start your essay, as many students find it difficult to start writing a paper.

·       Lord of the Flies

An adventure story about two boys who were stranded on an island after a plane crash can hardly leave young people indifferent. It seems that circumstances force them to learn how to survive together, but those boys preferred following their violent instincts and became enemies. William Golding, the author of this story, opposes civilization and savagery using symbols.

Several books listed here are not mandatory for reading. You can choose other books that attract your attention. Stories like The Catcher in the Rye or The Great Gatsby will help you learn American history and widen your world outlook. However, the list of literature is a matter of personal choice as all people are different.