
Millennials are credited with killing several industries and institutions. But here's something they are bringing back.


That's right: millennials have resurrected the outdated accent piece of yesteryear.  

And it's not just that this trend is back. It's back with power.

One survey of gardeners found that nearly all new gardeners were young people. Some are even calling "plant ladies" the new "cat lady."

Those considering becoming a plant parent need to know what to do when things go wrong. 

Here's a rundown on how to get that dying plant perky again. 

Should I Water It?

It's normal to first reach for the watering can when things go sideways with your houseplant.

But don't do it without thinking first.

Overwatered and underwatered plants need a break from direct sunlight. And, they only need to be lightly watered them until the soil has dried out to a firm, but not hard, consistency. 

Overwatered plants look wilted and have a bruised yellowish-brown tinge in the leaves.

Underwatered plants are dry and start to brown along the edges of leaves. 

For overwatered, plants consider repotting with fresh soil.

Deadhead and Prune Your Dying Plant

Trim dead flower heads and leaves that are obviously dead. Keep cutting along stocks and stems until you start to get to parts of the plant that are clearly alive. This will give the roots fewer parts of the plant to revitalize. 

Removing dead material quickly will also help reduce the potential for mold and rot in your planter. 

Adjust Light

Is your plant green but flaccid and maybe a little stunted?

Then it might need more light; move it to an area that gets more sun. 

Make sure your windows are clean and adjust blinds accordingly. Consider adding reflective gravel to the planter to capture more light.

Or, is your plant starting to develop bleached or black patches or crispy edges? This could mean too much sun. 

Move to a slightly shadier spot, if possible a spot that is a little more humid. Be sure to water slightly but more vigilantly to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. 

Repot with New Soil

If a once hardy plant starts to show stunted growth, mottled discoloring or deformed leaves or flowers, it's likely that your plant needs more food. 

Specifically, it needs new soil and supplements. This is where knowing your plants well is important. Here's a view page on a particularly interesting plant project. 

Live Well

Caring for houseplants, especially reviving a dying plant, helps one feel connected to a living in a world that's increasingly disconnected from nature. It's also a habit that merges creativity with very practical matters. 

All of this makes life a little more vibrant. Check back in with us every day to see our latest on travel, food, fashion and more to help keep you living well.