Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you’ll be familiar with mobile learning. But, what you might not be aware of is how many mobile learning apps you’ll find. If you’ve noticed that conventional approaches to learning like classrooms and textbooks aren’t for you, utilising technology can be a game-changer. If you’re a lover of technology, and you want to diversify the way you learn, using a mobile learning app is the way forward. 

What is a mobile learning app? 
A mobile learning app is an interactive tool that delivers bite-sized information on the go. It’s microlearning in your back pocket. If you’re not familiar with microlearning, it’s a strategy that is used to rapidly close knowledge and skill gaps using digestible and manageable forms. 
How do mobile learning apps deliver content? 
The delivery of content can vary from app to app. However, the best mobile learning apps such as edapp offers a range of interactive approaches such as gamification, podcasts, short text and videos. If traditional methods of learning aren’t working for you, the diversification that mobile learning apps offer will be a welcomed change to your learning strategy. 
Is a mobile learning app right for me? 
No matter what you intend to learn through your app, there are several core features that will help you to choose whether or not it’s right for you. Generally speaking, there are three fundamental principles to microlearning and mobile learning apps, variety, tailored content and brevity. 
·      Variety: because the content found on mobile apps comes in many different forms, learners are given the option to find the methods that suit them best. The better the suited the delivery, the better the outcome. 
·      Tailored content: thanks to purpose and brevity, mobile apps publish content that is centric to specific topics, ideas and concepts allowing users to easily access relevant information at the click of a button. 
·      Brevity: mobile learning apps can be picked up as and when. They come with no defined duration and inflexible locations. Users can choose to study whenever it suits them best. This may be during their morning commute or of an evening. Mobile learning offers flexible learning like never before. 
Why will mobile learning work for me? 
Simply put, the use of mobile apps and the micro-learning approach will provide you with bite-sized information that is often easier to digest. In fact, mobile learning is one of the simplest forms of delivery highly-targeted content and information in manageable bursts that can be picked up whenever it suits the learner best. 
Because of the flexible nature of mobile learning, users often find that success levels, course completion rates and regular engagement is often significantly better than other methods of learning. By opting for an interactive way to learn, users also find that information recall is improved. Just think, if you want to access relevant information instantly, using an app is the perfect solution. 
Over the years, studies have found that microlearning can make learning more meaningful. Thanks to manageable, content focussed lessons, learners can access and digest the information they require at the click of a button. Mobile learning combines modern-day technology with traditional learning to meet the demands of learners today. If you’re not already using a mobile learning app, you’re missing a trick.