In New York, the restrictions on e-bikes have reduced. If you wish to head out for a ride, here are a few things which you can expect.

It is known that daily more than 50, 000 delivery workers on bicycle move travel in the streets of New York. More than 50% of these workers use e-bikes. These electric bicycle have now become a popular mode of transportation. However, for a long time these e-bikes were considered to be illegal for use and would often invite penalties and fines.


Understanding e-Bikes
E-bike is a bicycle which is available with an integrated motor. The rider gets to enjoy greater speed with lesser effort. The history of these bikes dates back to 1800s when they were frequently used and were quite popular. At the present times, these bikes are quite popular in China and in Europe. In the US, delivery workers are the largest number of users.

Now, the question arises if these e-bikes are legal. Not all these bikes are legal. The law is applicable in case of ‘pedal assist’ bikes only. The throttle bikes are still illegal but major cyclists use throttle bikes as a mode of transport.

A question often comes – why e-bikes are not legal? The answer can be complicated. As per the New York State Law, electric bikes need to be registered just as mopeds, motorcycles and cars. However, the state did not allow registration of certain kinds of vehicles which included go-karts, golf carts and also e-bikes. 

Will throttle bikes become legal?
It is known that the mayor is in support of the pedal assist bikes. Eric Adams who is Brooklyn’s borough President mentions that these devices should be legalized.

There are a few private companies which include Lime and Jump who offer electric scooters for sale. E-bike sharing programs are also increasing in popularity.