
Students have countless ups and downs, many of which are directly connected to studies. Preparing seminars, writing an essay, doing project work, having additional contests, – all of this can sometimes tire the hack out of you. For many, writing is a major pain they do their best to avoid. However, this strategy never helps – on the contrary, it makes the problem a huge snowball, that grows every day and leaves you painfully demotivated.

If you are reading this, you are, probably, struggling with writing too. Here we wanna encourage you so that you don’t think worse of yourself. Some people are gifted in one sphere, some – in another one, so if you find yourself ‘out of your plate’ in writing, don’t be upset.

Wrong Ways to Solve Writing Tasks

Looking for ways out, students often turn to stupid solutions: they buy cheap research papers and term papers online, hoping that it will somehow work if they bring a box of chocolate to the professor (joke (or not)), copy essays from their friends or just from the first link on Google. Does it remind you, anyone?

If it does, here is the good and the bad news – it is possible to make writing easier, but in order to do this, you will need to turn on your brains. Anyway, the second one may not seem so bad if you try it once. 

What to Do to Get a Great Research Paper without Suffering Too Much

Creating well-shaped research papers never comes in a move of a magic wand. Hard work is the formula of any great accomplishment. Including academic papers. That is why here we want to give some realistic tips to the students who struggle with writing, to make them more confident and mature.

Here are a few steps to start writing your research with:

Formulate the topic. 

In universities, they demand the topic not to be too broad  but contain only those elements that you can and will analyze in the work. The broader topic should be left for a 60-page dissertation.

Select reliable sources. 

Remember that any research paper has to rely on the tried and true sources. They play a significant role in the investigation, regardless of the subject you’re writing about. If you choose modern books and articles, make sure they are acknowledged by the scientific world.

Know which style of citation you need to use.

When you take the ideas of some scholars or scientists, make proper referencing. Every time it’s not your original idea or it’s paraphrased, all the same, the author should be mentioned. In the academic writing, three styles of citation are used: Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), and Chicago that supports Notes and Bibliography styles. 

Humanities (like English, Art, Languages, Religion) most often use MLA style, social disciplines – APA, while Natural Sciences tend to use Chicago. Anyway, this needs to be discussed with your mentor. 

Take time to write the first draft.

Having finished with the introduction, get down to writing the first variant. It’s natural that it will be ten or more times re-written, but it’s worth it. As you do your best, you will put more heart into this and than those who do the work at once.  

Take the quality notes. 

We’ll explain. Every time you grasp something connected with your topic or the direction you are working in, be there to write it down. From our own experience, we can say, that sometimes at the lecture you’ll be exposed to such valuable info you won’t meet in books, so you better stick to it. 

Consider using some online help.

Yes, all of us sometimes get out of the rut, forget our assignment and responsibilities or have unpredictable circumstances. These are the reasons to seek additional help from a proven cheap research paper writing service. Consider having the top services in your arsenal just in case. And don’t blame yourself for not doing it all on your own, but turning to a company for a paper – sometimes the most right thing is to ask for help. One website  with professional writers is – the cheap term paper writing service, that has over 10 years of experience. offers cheap research papers for all kinds of term papers and academic research.