The garbage can is full again. Keep reading for a few tips for reducing waste in your home so you can take out the garbage less.

Each year, the average American throws away 1,609 pounds of trash. 

As a result, the US is the top trash-producing country in the entire world. By now, we know that plastic is releasing harmful chemicals into the earth and water. 


We're slowly but very surely poisoning our home. Although the onus can't be entirely on the individual, don't feel hopeless. There are things you can do to start reducing waste. 

1. Commit to a No-Spending Month
The first way to reduce your waste is to completely limit how much you're consuming. 

A no-spend month will feel overwhelming and daunting at first. But, you may be very surprised by how much money you can save.

The idea of a no-spend month is to only buy your absolute essentials and then make do for everything else. Essentials are defined by you but include food and medication.

You may adjust your essentials if you simply can't live without your morning coffee at your favorite coffee shop. But, make sure to take a reusable mug! 

2. Reuse Everything
If you can't reduce, then the next step is to reuse. You've heard the obvious topics, don't buy a plastic water bottle, take reusable bags when you go shopping, and avoid the dreaded plastic-lined coffee cup. 

However, there are thousands of reusable items that can help reduce your waste. Finding creative reusable items can be fun.

If you can't use something you already have, you may need to invest in hardwearing reusable items. But, in the long run, these items will save you money.

A wire washing cloth will last longer than a fabric one.
Menstrual cups help save thousands of dollars on tampons and pads.
Tupperware for lunches reduces the need for plastic bags.
Furthermore, you should learn how to repair your clothing and how to care for it properly. You may be washing your clothes in water which is too hot, causing them to look shabby.

Or, have you thrown away a dress due to a broken strap? There's a quick sewing fix for this!

3. Plan Your Meals
Up to 40 percent of the food supply in the US is wasted. This number is mind-blowing when we know there are 815 million people going hungry worldwide.

Do your bit by not wasting precious food. To do this, develop a meal plan and create food in bulk to be frozen for another time. 

One of the best ways to help our planet is by reducing our meat and dairy intake. So, why not learn how to cook a few delicious vegan curries, soups, and pasta sauces?

By coming up with a meal plan for every meal of the week, you don't need to shop and cook every night! 

If you do find that you have leftovers, why not invite friends over to share or learn how to compost?
4. Last Step - Recycle
Every city is different. Learning the rules for recycling in your neighborhood is vital when it comes to reducing your waste. 

But, remember, it's always better to reduce your waste consumption in the first place as recycling still takes energy. 

If you need help with waste collection, visit

Reducing Waste Requires Forethought 
The journey to reducing waste isn't an easy one. We need to be mindful of everything that we consume. 
But, our impact on the planet is huge and should be one which we all care deeply about. Sadly, this isn't the case but you can help change people's minds, starting with your own family.

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