
With the rise of digital investors, many businesses are currently adopting remote work trends, and are employing top talents from different parts of the world. Finding virtual workers and getting them on board is just one part of the entire equation. As a manager, it’s your responsibility to manage all your remote teams effectively. 

You should ensure that the team members understand all their responsibilities correctly, nurture, guide, and also support them, which can be a big challenge in itself. If you’re always wondering how you can manage your remote employees and are searching for some tips on how teams have effectively set themselves remotely, here are some ideas that will help you make your task an easy one.

Find a reliable communication medium

To maximize your remote team's productivity, you should look for an appropriate communication system for your teams and productivity tools. Since remote teams of employees and workers are becoming more and more popular nowadays, the market is full of software applications specially designed to control remote resources. One of the popular software applications being embraced by most businesses is known as Voice-over-internet protocol (VoIP). Voice over IP is a fast-evolving technology which allows you to make some online phone calls with or without using video.

Best VoIP service for business has currently made information more secure and easily accessible through the invention of the cloud. When you host telephone systems from the cloud, your remote employees will only need a stable internet connection to communicate with you. The workers can take their instruction, easily access the calls, ask questions, and provide updates as if they were working in a local office.

Set boundaries with your remote employees

Remote team members often require some boundaries to profile their personal life and work. Since the team members are working from various time zones, any chat message, emails, or notifications can disturb their family times or even ruin someone’s sleep. Make sure that you discuss your work schedules with all members from different time zones by respecting their own time as well as showing them that you also care for their time.

VoIP app can also help process and analyze reports according to each employee’s work system. The workers will be able to concentrate in a better way when they are allowed to handle their tasks in their desired time slots. That will also enable them to work around their family routine, thus allowing them to have the better of the two worlds. To get the best VoIP app for your remote teams, you should look for a reliable VoIP provider. They will help you identify a suitable VoIP phone app for your needs, and also connect you with various prescreened VoIP providers.

Encourage transparency in the team 

As a leader and manager, you should lead by example at all times. You cannot expect your remote employees to open up, discuss projects and also share their opinion, or get to know each other and you better if you do not do that yourself. Start by being transparent and get all the employees involved in every aspect of the business. You can also share with them the vision and objectives of the company using VoIP service, and allow them to resonate with that. After doing all that, tell them about yourself and set clear expectations too.

Organize your work

To boost your business, you should have a proper structure. Managing people working remotely across different part of the world without knowing what everyone is working on and having multiple projects to oversee can easily turn your work into chaos. To prevent that, you should create procedures, set rules, and also implement project management systems.

To get started, organize all your data, categorize it, and then make it available to all the members of the team through the VoIP service. Set clear targets and ensure that everyone knows the subsequent steps on the current project and also decide on the VoIP style of communication for every situation. Make use of the sharing and collaboration options offered by the project management tools to help you see what other people are working on and what is pending.

Find a suitable workflow management system for your remote teams

The working culture of your remote team will flourish once you put everything under the same roof. And you can only make this possible by investing in a remote team management system to help you plan projects, tasks, and even manage people. Here are some of the things you can achieve with a project management system:

•    Share crucial information in real-time

•    Communicate with your remote team

•    Track productivity

•    Track project evolution

•    Manage and maintain timesheets

•    Have regular discussions

•    Interact across diverse time zones

•    Manage the project tasks on task lists

Encourage teamwork

The option of using video conferencing apps within VoIP service gives the remote workers a reliable way to connect even if they cannot meet in person. That means that your employees can hold meetings with their clients and team members without leaving home. Internet phone service for home can also add to the comfort of your remote team. It can also save lots of time since nobody is put to the trouble of traveling to attend meetings.

Video conferencing through VoIP phone app also ensures that your team members remain connected while getting all their work done. They might have to travel to various locations because of personal plans or their work details. Whichever the case, all their work can easily go on as before, and they can effortlessly get in touch with anybody they want.

Moreover, using VoIP software as a remote team can enable all the members of the team to create a sense of unity with each another. Within any company, such a feeling is pretty essential because a collaborative effort is required to get work done easily, even if the remote workers aren’t physically together.


Managing remote employees can be pretty challenging: developing a meaningful work process, monitoring the activities of the team members and monitoring the work process is more difficult than at a physical office. Nevertheless, following the simple rules discussed above will help you manage your remote teams more effectively and easily. This way, you will have a team of hard-working, productive, and loyal workers that will assist you in reaching the vision of the organization sooner.