An online community is an internet destination that facilitates learning. In an online community, people work together toward shared learning. In an online community, students are able to ask queries, learn new ideas, discuss assignments, and share knowledge and experiences. By participating actively, every student in an online community is able to access improved learning. 


In addition to course material and faculty, peer learning is considered an essential source of knowledge. Online communities tap into this opportunity to enhance learning. The promote peer-to-peer learning. By sharing experiences, ideas, and perspectives, students are able to make meaning out of information leading to improved learning. 

Therefore, online writing service communities are not only personally fulfilling but also educationally fulfilling. 

Let us look at how online communities helping improve education

Improves outcomes
Online communities improve learning. They provide unique assets and resources through group learning. The groups bring in different ideas and experiences leading to improved learning. For instance, if students are working on a problem, different solutions are provided and the most appropriate one is selected. If a group is working on a project, the learning process is smoother compared to when one person is working on it. 

Promotes interaction
Online communities provide a safe place for learners to interact with others. The place is also regulated in terms of behavior. Learners are free to network with each other. Then, they share knowledge and experiences. When necessary, they have open discussions on shared topics. For instance, people who take a certain topic in history can decide to discuss a topic they consider challenging. Because every person would be participating for same reasons, the environment becomes supportive. Everyone is free to ask questions, share experiences, and also knowledge on the topic. This provides an opportunity for further understanding of the topic enhancing learning. 

Serves as a source of motivation
Online communities offer some rewards that encourage and motivate people to make positive contributions. For instance, a ribbon is given to people who make positive contributions to helping other participants. The rewards encourage others to be actively engaged in giving contributions. As a result, members are able to learn new information. Less-experienced members are also able to identify participants they can rely on for queries improving their learning. 

According to Richard Mill, a blogger and administrator a writing Facebook page Suggests, “Through increased engagement, online communities are valued by members. They are motivated to engage even more and participate in social learning. On the other hand, instructors use the feedback option in online communities to address knowledge gaps. They also provide examples and reference materials enhancing content understanding for members”. 

Encourages members to achieve the learning goals
Online learning communities encourage members to achieve their learning goals. Formal or informal learning communities encourage members to be accountable for their learning. They encourage every member to participate actively in online discussions and to collaborate with peers. This ensures that deadlines and promises are met. As a result, one is able to achieve their learning goals. 

Instructors also help learners achieve their goals. They guide participants on the expectations of online communities. They monitor online discussions to see those who are participating and those who are not. Then, they encourage everyone to participate to benefit from the discussions. The instructors focus on promoting collaborative teamwork. If there are any issues, they provide guidance on how to solve them. When students are aware that instructors are monitoring them, they remain focused. This eventually helps in achieving the learning goals.

Facilitates global collaboration
Online communities promote collaboration of learners from across the world. This brings exposure to rich knowledge. Learners also get to accumulate immense intellectual growth and wisdom. When it comes to learning cultural differences, values, and beliefs, online communities are the best. Students are able to ask their peers many questions about the differences. If you want to know about Chinese food, a Chinese student can even share pictures or even a video of the food. This creates a deeper understanding of the content. Better learning strategies and techniques are also shared leading to enhanced learning. 

Provides a supportive system
Online communities provide a sense of belonging to students. Even when reading content online, students know they are not alone. In discussion forums, students are able to develop relationships with fellow peers. These relationships then serve as mutual support systems. The system requires everyone to be accountable. So, every student is expected to do their work. In short, you have no choice but to learn actively with others. This enhances learning.

Also, if you are an introvert, the online community provides the best support. Unlike in traditional classroom, introverts have enough time to refine their comments. This increases the chance of giving correct answers. Introverts are also not afraid to ask questions and share ideas with online communities. This increases their chances of having enhanced learning. 

Puts information into context
Information cannot stick if it is received passively. Something else must be done to help in retaining it. Active learning is a key solution. It supports retaining of acquired knowledge for a longer period. Engaging learners in meaningful activities or activities that help understand the content, information becomes knowledge. 

Online communities put information into context. For instance, during discussion forums, students are involved in recalling answers to raised questions. They also participate in discussions and provide explanations of hard concepts. So, online communities promote learning in action. This form of learning is associated with enhanced learning. Not only do students acquire more knowledge but also retain it. 

Improving online communities
For online communities to be beneficial for learning, instructors must play several roles.

First, instructors should encourage every learner to be an active participant. 
Second, instructors should pose queries that bring up discussions. They should also guide the discussions to ensure that learners acquire desired knowledge. 
Third, instructors should keep every learner engaged. Some students need a little push to stay active. Otherwise, they will abandon learning. Engaging them in general discussions is thus important. 
Fourth, instructors should be available for every student. Some student may require some help privately. They may also want to report some ill behaviors in the community. So, instructors should ensure that everyone’s needs can be heard and addressed. 
Fifth, provide sections for socialization. Such opportunities are good for students to relax, bond with others, and make new friends. This way, when they come back to learning, they are fresh and re-energized. An enjoyable learning environment makes students happy. It improves learning and retaining knowledge.