Atlanta Might be the greatest city in America, but you haven’t heard everything you need to know about it! Learn all about living in Georgia with these inside scoops from locals.


A Great City For Finding Love
If you're looking for love, then Atlanta is the place for you. There is a gigantic singles community that’s booming with life. You’ll be sure to find countless clubs, and you’ll see even more local hangout spots for singles to meet. 

Horrible Traffic
You don’t have to be local to know how bad the traffic is in Atlanta. You should avoid Interstate 285 like the plague. At least the flow of cars isn’t as bad inside the city, but it’ll take lots of good luck to find a parking spot anywhere. If you stay long enough, then you’ll get used to it. You’ll know that you’ve adapted to the Atlanta way of life when you start to enjoy long rides in the car.

Tons Of Biking Routes
The city planners have outdone themselves with the amazing bike routes throughout downtown. If you love riding your bike, then Atlanta is the ideal destination for urban cycling. You get the benefit of amazing scenery, and you get to see the awe-inspiring architecture of a bustling city. That makes for some very awesome biking experiences.

World Renown Restaurants On Every Corner
Foodies love Atlanta, and that’s for a good reason. It rivals the hottest vacation destinations with its culinary diversity. You’ll find page after page of five-star Atlanta restaurants with a quick Google search. Every street is full of exceptional dining. You might not be able to try it all in a lifetime, and people travel from all over the world to try a bite of local cuisine.

The Weather Is Mild
You might think that Atlanta has unbearably hot summers, but it’s not that bad. You can take a look at the weather across the United States to find out that Atlanta is very mild in comparison. It stays at a moderate temperature for most of the year. There are only about 40 very cold days throughout the winter season. There’s an extremely small chance of severe weather apart from the occasional thunderstorm. The only issue you might have is the humidity levels.

Everyone Drinks Coca-Cola
Every carbonated drink is referred to as coke. If you start calling it pop, then you’ll probably get a few strange looks from everyone. The Coca-Cola Company was founded in Georgia, and the locals drink it religiously. Order a coke when you go out to eat, or ask for a sweet tea. Just don’t call it a soda!

Beautiful Landscapes With Lots Of Pollen
Atlanta is full of beautiful scenery, and there’s tons of pollen throughout the warmer seasons to match it. Your car will be covered in a thick coat of yellow dust throughout the year. If you have any allergies, Then you’ll need to bring plenty of allergy medicine with you.

Looking To Move To Atlanta?
The Suddath Atlanta local moving company is the best in the area. They’ll safely transport all of your belongings without you having to deal with the horrible traffic. They’ll also be able to answer any questions you may have and help you with your local move. Put your trust in a moving company that knows the city!