
When it comes to staying fit, it all comes down to perseverance. You see, out-of-shape people are often quite good at finding excuses why they shouldn’t do something or why they shouldn’t stick to their workout routine. Even though they use the car to travel to the gym, it’s quite easy to blame the rain for the skipped training. In fact, atmospheric occurrences are, 

by far, the most common source of these excuses. Those who plan to keep training, a common treadmill (a machine that you’ll encounter in every indoor gym in the world) can be a solution to all the problems. On the other hand, there are a lot of people who decide to run in the cold weather. Here are six essentials to help you prepare for this adventure.

1. Proper shoes

The first thing you need to understand about running during cold weather is that the condition of the track might be all but admirable. This is why proper footwear is so important. First of all, you need shoes that are resilient to moisture and mud, since these are the conditions that you will encounter on a regular basis. Second, you need shoes that are slip-proof to increase the safety of your running efforts. Of course, we’re not suggesting that you should run on slippery terrain, however, even a moist concrete can drastically increase a slip risk and you don’t want to take any chances.

2. Running tights

The next thing you need is a pair of running tights. The reason why tights are ideal is that they stick to your leg thus providing you an incredible amount of protection without restricting your movement. Also, they’re incredibly light, which will be a huge factor when you take into consideration the fact that you have to wear layer after layer of protective clothing on you. Just make sure to check if the tights that you’re getting are winter-proof and don’t be afraid to pay a bit extra to get quality.

3. Long-sleeve top

The next piece of apparel that you’ll definitely need on this endeavor is a suitable long-sleeve top. Here, similar principles apply. You see, while you’re running, your arms and torso (especially your core) are doing a tremendous amount of work. This is why you can greatly benefit from a long-sleeve top. When choosing the apparel, you can stick to the same principles as when choosing the long-sleeve top. 

4. Suitable underwear

In order to protect yourself from cold, what you need to do is invest in layers and layers of protective clothing. Keep in mind that this all comes down to the underwear that you wear. Regardless of the temperature, as you run, you’ll get sweaty and the ability of your underwear to absorb the sweat might make a difference when it comes to your health. So, to keep things simple, clean and healthy, start looking for suitable organic men’s underwear. Other than just helping in keeping these things effective, this will also help you make an eco-friendly statement.

5. A windproof running jacket

The simplest way for you to get sick as the result of a running session is for you to get cold from running while sweaty and exhausted. The simplest way to protect yourself from these effects is to invest in a windproof running jacket. This way, you’ll mitigate the bulk of the damage that will come from running in cold weather. Also, the majority of these jackets are completely rainproof which provides you with an additional layer of protection that you desperately need.

6. Running socks

The last thing you need to figure out is the art of picking the right running socks. What you’re aiming for are suitable materials. Here you can either go for natural fibers or polyester and nylon. What you’re also looking for is the thickness (especially for winter running), compression, as well as protection. As far as the protection and the comfort go, what you should opt for are the ankle support and the anti-blister protection. You see, blisters can be a proper nightmare for runners and with the adequate choice of footwear (both socks and shoes), you can have an easier way of avoiding it. Also, having a sock pair with a designated right and left shoe is always a plus.

At the end of the day, running even during the cold weather is incredibly important, simply because it allows you to keep the continuity of your exercises, as well as condition your body for performance under various circumstances. What this also means is that you get a chance to introduce some diversity into your workout wardrobe. After all, the majority of training clothes are designed either for hot weather or indoor use. This fact alone makes it all so much more interesting and gives a whole new fashion-oriented dimension to your fitness efforts.