If you're planning a party, you don't want your party entertainment to be the same old-same old. Try something new with these awesome ideas.

Are you throwing a Halloween party? Resist the urge to jump on the bandwagon with the creepy clown theme. Everybody loves IT, but it's time to stop clowning around. Get creative to give your guests a thrill!


Choose party entertainment that will liven up this day of the dead! Read on for ideas!

5 Killer Halloween Party Entertainment Ideas
Throw a party that will leave your guests gasping! People Science says that to do this, you must:
Host well by introducing people and offering refreshments
Encourage group think moments, by giving a toast or playing games
Change things up throughout the night with different forms of entertainment
Ensure people feel comfortable and welcome when they arrive and encourage people to leave all at once so you can send everybody out after the main event

Now, let's look at how you can incorporate these rules with 5 awesome entertainment ideas.

1. Hypnotize Your Guests
Literally, hypnotize them. For your main event, hire a hypnotist for a private session! You can also gather everybody for a comedy stage hypnosis as your corporate event entertainment! At these shows, the hypnotist will use mind control (with the participant's permission) to make people do silly things. People will leave completely intrigued. It gives the group something unique to laugh about and bond over.

2. Create Competition
Everybody loves a little healthy competition. Put on a costume contest for your guests! To make this exciting, talk it up in the weeks working up to the party. Offer an exciting prize that will make guests want to participate. Create a stage to give each contestant their chance in the spotlight, to show appreciation for the time and money people put into getting all dressed up. Building excitement ahead of time will ensure guests don't flake out. Plus, this will set up your next party by leaving hoping for a rematch against the best costume winner!

3. Theme Your Dinner
If you want to stay simple with your party entertainment ideas, come up with a creepy theme for your dinner party! This will make the food your main event and leave the rest of the time for people to sip cocktails and mingle. A Seven Deadly Sins party always makes a hit! You create a dish that represents each sin. For example, one might serve greens with envy and bacon mashed potato cheese bombs to signify gluttony.

4. Spook Them with a Seance
Get into the spirit of the season by calling on spirits. Depending on your crowd, you can make this serious or get silly with it. Rent out a haunted venue to make it more exciting. If you want to make it feel especially real, hire an experienced spiritualist to lead. For something a little lighter, get a Quija board and encourage everybody to participate. Use some fishing line to set up little scares during the session.

5. Make it a Murder Mystery
A murder mystery makes for amazing event entertainment! Just follow a few simple rules to make it great:

Make mysterious invites that assign a character role to each guest
Plan your menu to the theme
Decorate with fine details and hide clues everywhere
Begin the party with drinks and mingling
Once you dramatically unfold the storyline, name your victim
Use planned accusations to build intrigue and have guests guess who did it
Lastly, have each player read their roles to reveal the culprit

This creates an entire night of fun and memories that will last.

Cookie-cutter parties can get dull. Guests may start to feel uncomfortable finding things to chit chat about the entire night if you fail to plan any cool events. Use these party entertainment suggestions to throw a spooktacular bash! We want you to live well and have fun. Get more entertainment ideas on our website!