Thanks to technological advancements, programs or softwares have been developed that allow online product catalogs to be updated automatically on all channels or platforms. 

Online product catalogs allows businesses to gain visibility and benefits the company in other ways, since it is an online advertising tool. As long as the catalog is well designed and promoted, it will be a very important medium to create a good image and persuade potential potential customers.


That is why, having an online product catalog is essential to increase profits and sales. But before talking about how to make a product catalog online that is optimal and acts as an efficient resource for your business, let's talk about all the advantages that this entails first.

Advantages of an online product catalog

If you still aren’t convinced that opting for an online product catalog is a good investment for your company's strategy, you will be after reading this post. Some of the multiple benefits are listed below:

The first of these is, as we have already mentioned at the beginning, the ability to attract a larger audience or potential customers thanks to the visibility it provides, in addition to generating a greater presence of your brand and the products you sell.

Another of its great advantages is that, an online catalog is cheaper and quicker to make than a printed one, which would include distribution costs. As it is on the Internet the catalog can be instantly updated, so it’s not necessary to create a new one.

Thanks to the fact that there is no limit of space or materials, all the necessary information can be added so that the user is clear about its characteristics, as well as multimedia resources (video or images) to be able to see the content globally.

Besides from being always up to date, it can be synchronized in multiple sales channels and social networks, which makes marketing omnicanal and flexible.

Customer service allows for a more agile and effective interactivity, which translates into greater user satisfaction.

It also allows you to have a greater knowledge regarding the availability of products or the stock, as well as to see the sales evolution and the consumption habits of the clients.

Key elements to create a great online product catalog

Before you start creating a catalog, the first thing to do is to find out who your audience is and what they are really looking for.

Once you have analyzed and studied these data in depth, the second step is to think about the design of the content and information.

The most important thing in this step is to focus on the fact that the users who visit your catalog must find what they are looking for in a simple and fast way. On the other hand, if you find it very difficult to find the basic information or your catalog is somewhat unstructured, that potential customer will end up getting bored and leaving your page.

So, which presentation is the right one to make such a catalogue? The answer is very simple as long as the following details are taken into account:

The images and videos must be of the highest possible quality. It is important that the photos show the product from various perspectives so that the user can appreciate it in detail.

The information must be clear and well organized, including all product characteristics and prices.

Navigation should be user-friendly.

Check that the catalogue and the information or technical data of the products are homogeneous in each of them.
Once you have designed your catalogue page on the web, it is important to get a good PIM (multichannel marketing software tool for e-commerce) that allows you to import the information of all your products in order to connect them with other platforms or e-commerce channels.