
There are many people who are new in the world of cannabis who ignore the importance of grinders, regardless of the fact that it is one of the most important things that you need to have. In many ways, it makes your life easier! If you want high-quality weed smoke, a grinder is no more just a comfort. It is essential! It is a must-have!

These 5 best herb grinders, most of them with four pieces to grind bud, sift pollen, and store the results properly, are available online at Canncentral.com.

What is an herb grinder

An herb grinder, also known as a weed or marijuana or cannabis grinder is a small tool with sharp edges that can be used to grind herbs, tobacco, marijuana, such as a dub strain, and other little plant material. It can have 1 to 3 elements and it usually is made of wood, metal, or acrylic.

Before herb grinders, people had to use scissors or their fingers to crush the herb. This makes their hands smell like weed or other herbs. Now with CNC machining, improvements are frequently seen in herb grinders that make herb grinders a superb and neat tool for any herb fan.

What are the benefits of an herb grinder

If you do not still buy an herb grinder or you do not think or you do not need one, here are some of the advantages that can prove you that you need it:
Enhanced Quality of Marijuana:

Possibly this is the finest thing to have a grinder of herbs. The grinder will enhance the flavour and aroma of your weed. The thing that cannot be released with your fingers alone will be unlocked.

 Increased Potency:

For more potency of cannabis, using an herb grinder will also be helpful. Whether you are going to swallow, vaporize, or smoke the weed, but you want a better start, grind it first.
Save Time: before use herb grinder people who manually practice weed will surely realize how rapidly things can be when using a grinder.

What factors should be measured for buying a herb grinder

When judging the quality of an herb grinder, there are many things to look for. Some of these are the following:

Number and shape of grinding teeth.
The number of pieces a grinder has.
The material of the grinder.
Extras like lid magnets etc.
Below are some ideas that you get finest grinders.

Herb grinder’s teeth 

With the different parts of the herb grinder, the teeth are perhaps the most serious. This is the one that really grinds the marijuana, which has a direct influence on the quality of the product. The more teeth are present in a grinder; the grinding performance is better.

Aside from the number of teeth present in a grinder, another important thing is its shape. It will be best to choose a grinder with diamond-shaped teeth.

Number of pieces an herb grinder has

1. Two-Piece Grinders: Also known as a one-compartment grinder, this is the basis of the three. There is a single compartment where the weed will be ground and retrieve. It has many disadvantages, such as changeability and the difficulty of retrieving the weed when you are done grinding.
2. Three-Piece Grinders: The two-piece compartment herb grinder, on the other hand, has one compartment on the top where you will place the weed and another compartment at the bottom for its retrieval. This allows the separation of the weed based on its size.
3. Four-Piece Grinders: This is more advanced than three pieces; it is also called a three-compartment grinder. It is known for its ability to collect even kief and pollen, making it the perfect choice for the most aware users.

The material of a herb grinder

When talking about the materials of the herb grinder, we are talking about the external body or the actual body. This does not include the teeth. For the body of the grinder, here are the most common materials that you will find in the market.

1. Wood: This type of grinder is an expensive choice. It is hand-made. This is an excellent choice if you prefer organic materials. Most wood grinders, however, only have a single compartment.
2. Metal: When it comes to metal grinders, there are two materials that are aluminum and titanium. Aluminum is the more popular choice, which is a lot of titanium-coated.
3. Acrylic: this is the cheapest materials that are used in an herb grinder. However, they are also the least durable. They can easily break down compared with two materials that have been mentioned above.


A list of the best herb grinders in 2019

Do you want to buy a herb grinder but you don’t know which one is good? Do you want to know about different models of herb grinders? Do you want to know what the best herb grinders are? Here is everything you must know about herb grinders.

A lot of people who are new in the world of marijuana ignore grinders, despite the fact that it is one of the most important tools that you need to have. It is going to make your life easier in more ways than one! If you want high-quality weed smoke, a grinder is no longer just a luxury. It is a necessity! It is a must-have!

What is a herb grinder?

A herb grinder, also named as a weed or marijuana or cannabis grinder, is a small device with teeth that can be used to grind herbs, tobacco, marijuana and other tiny plant material. It can have from 1 to more than 3 compartments and it usually is made of wood, metal, or acrylic.

Before herb grinders, people had to use scissors or their fingers to grind up the herb. Doing so would make your hands smell like weed or other herbs. Now with CNC machining, improvements are often seen in herb grinders that make herb grinders an excellent and elegant tool for any herb fan.


What are the benefits of a herb grinder?

If you still do not have a herb grinder and if you are contemplating if you need one or not, here are some of the benefits that can convince you that you need it:

Enhanced Quality of Marijuana: Maybe this is the best thing to have a grinder of herbs. The grinder will enhance the flavour and aroma of your weed. The properties that can not be released with your fingers alone will be unlocked.
Increased Potency: For more potency of the buds, using a herb grinder will also be helpful. Whether you are going to ingest, vaporize, or smoke the weed, if you want a better kick, grind it first.
Save Time: Before use and consumption, people who manually process weed will surely realize how rapidly things can be when using a grinder.

What factors should be considered for buying a herb grinder?

When assessing the quality of a herb grinder, there are many things to look for. These are the following considerations:

Number and shape of grinding teeth.
The number of pieces a grinder has.
The material of the grinder.
Extras like lid magnets etc.

Below we define each factor to give you an idea of what the finest grinders have.

Herb grinder’s teeth 

Among the different parts of the herb grinder, the teeth are perhaps the most critical. This is the one that actually grinds the marijuana, which has a direct influence on the quality of the outcomes. The more teeth are present in a grinder, the better will be its grinding performance.


Aside from the number of teeth present in a grinder, another important consideration is its shape. It will be best to choose a grinder with diamond-shaped teeth.

Number of pieces a herb grinder has

1. Two-Piece Grinders: Also known as a one-compartment grinder, this is the simplest of the three. There is a single compartment where the weed will be ground and retrieved. It has several drawbacks, such as inconsistency and the difficulty of retrieving the weed when you are done grinding.

2. Three-Piece Grinders: The two-piece compartment herb grinder, on the other hand, has one compartment on the top where you will place the weed and another compartment at the bottom for its retrieval. This allows the separation of the weed based on its size.

3. Four-Piece Grinders: The most advanced from the three, it is also called a three-compartment grinder. It is known for its ability to collect even kief and pollen, making it the perfect choice for the most discerning users.


The material of a herb grinder

When discussing the materials of the herb grinder, we are talking about the exterior body or the actual body. This does not include the teeth. For the body of the grinder, here are the most common materials that you will find on the market.

Wood: This type of grinder is an expensive choice. It is hand-made. This is a good choice if you prefer organic materials. Most wood grinders, however, only have a single compartment.
Metal: When it comes to metal grinders, there are two materials that are common – aluminum and titanium. Aluminum is the more popular choice, which is often titanium-coated.
Acrylic: From the materials that are used in a herb grinder, this is the cheapest. However, this is also the least durable. They can easily break down compared to the two materials that have been mentioned above.

Best herb grinders

These 5 best herb grinders, most of them with four pieces to grind bud, sift pollen, and store the results properly, are available online and fit any budget.

1. Masterdam 

Grinders Premium Large 2.5 Inch Herb Grinder with Micron Screen 
4 Part Black Anodized Aluminium


2. Aerospaced 

4 Piece Grinder/Sifter With Mill Handle

3. Magic-Flight 

Launch Box Finishing Grinder


4. Phoenician 

Medium 4 Piece - Black with 2 Rolling Paper Depot Doobtubes


5. Iaso

Four Piece Stainless Steel.
