
You've always been the star of the show. Bring your big personality to your favorite social networks! Learn how to brand yourself on social media the right way.

Social media has provided opportunities for people like never before. While the platforms we use today were initially built to connect with our friends, they've become powerful tools to create personal brands and pursue meaningful opportunities.

Do you know how to brand yourself on social media? Successful branding might be all that's standing between you and stardom. Good social media branding can bring a wealth of personal and career opportunities forward to you. 

Read on, and we'll walk you through a few of our favorite tips for how to build your brand on social media.

1. Keep A Visual Aesthetic

The key to building a strong brand online is consistency. It takes repetition of certain ideas to get something to stick in a viewer's eye. That means you'll need to focus on consistency and repetition to get your brand across to a casual viewer.

Consider sticking with a certain color scheme for your posts. If you like muted autumn colors, stick with that across all of the posts you make on your page. Keep your wardrobe and your photo-editing in this kind of style. 

Whatever fonts and graphics you use in your images and videos, keep consistent there as well. Find one that feels like 'you' and then stick with it. A person should be able to look at your page and without even clicking into individual posts get a sense of who you are and what you're about. 

Over time, this consistency will help you carve a niche out in someone's mind. They'll know what to expect from you and your posts. As such, they'll be in a better position to think about opportunities that might be right for your brand.

2. Establish A Voice and Tone

The words you post are almost as important as the images you include in your social media posts. Are you sarcastic and prodding, or are you straight-laced and informative? Hopeful and optimistic, or depressive and sardonic? 

Developing what voice feels right for you might take some time and practice. Just like with your visual language, you want to stay consistent and convey a sense of yourself and your brand to visitors. 

Keeping a tight hold on this tone can be important, especially if you might have multiple people managing your account later on. You want to put forward a united front, and always have the feeling of 'you' come across to your fans online.

3. Don't Be Afraid To Take Risks

The above advice has all been about staying consistent. But we want to contradict that a little too, and remind you that it's okay to take a few risks now and then. If there's an element of yourself or an idea you have that you think is brilliant but doesn't fall in line with previous posts? Do it anyway. 

Whether that be a straight-to-camera talk, a doodle from Cartoon Yourself, or something entirely different, it can be refreshing to give a new side of yourself to an audience.

Just remember to return to your traditional brand once you've tested the waters on this new turn. 

How To Brand Yourself on Social Media

If you were unclear on how to brand yourself on social media, hopefully the above tips have helped clear things up. Need more entertainment advice? Check out our blog for more.