Nowadays, cloud computing is renowned as one of the most powerful technologies of the era. According to several reports, it is noticed that global cloud spending will increase from 230 billion dollars in 2019 to nearly 550 billion dollars by 2023 correspondingly. For that reason, no one can deny the rapid growth of advanced technology and cloud computing in the past years. 


However, countless big names have entered the cloud with their unique services in a secure environment, and Microsoft Azure integrating as the new leader in the cloud market with a workload of 29 percent. Thus, currently becoming Microsoft Azure certified is the most challenging requirement in the cloud market. However, it is not hidden that the cloud is growing and certified training in the cloud is changing according to their growing needs. Though, the traditional computer certification was based on system competencies whereas Microsoft Azure developer certification is advanced enough to become an expert on the whole system. However, the need for knowledge in the system is greater than ever, as a result, certifications have become an international Azure role.

Why Microsoft Azure Certifications?
Microsoft Azure is extensively recognized as the most trusted cloud association in the world, that’s why individuals with Azure certification have so many research opportunities respectively. However, it is determined that job opportunities have been steadily increasing in recent years, and the average salary for Azure certified jobs is supposed to be in between 150,555 and 250,555 dollars per year. On the other hand, 55 percent of Fortune 550 companies use Microsoft Azure cross wisely. Now that’s why we understand why Microsoft Azure certifications are the best way to start your cloud career, let’s take a closer look at these certifications.

Azure Solution Architect Expert
In line with the new Azure developer certification role, the solution architecture specialist role must pass two certifications, A-Z 300 and 301 Exam, MS-Azure Architect Technologies and MS-Azure Architect Design. Though, after passing the A-Z 300 and 301 exams for certification, one will become a Microsoft Azure solution architect certified and receive Azure solution architect specialist mark. However, Microsoft has released a beta version of Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies A-Z 300, and this certification determines as a part of a new certification program for the Azure solutions architect specialist role. However, to be an Azure solutions architect, one must first pass the A-Z 300 exam, which provides information on reliable and safe construction solutions.

Azure Developer Associate
Regarding the role of Azure developer associate, one is supposed to pass the assessment of A-Z 203 certification as well. However, after prominently passing the A-Z 203 certification, they will consider becoming Microsoft certified Azure developer associates and likewise, receive the credential as the Azure Developer Associate. Whether you pass the other essential exam or not, you will receive a Microsoft Azure developer certification as an associate to take the A-Z 203 exam. Though, it is supposed to design for Azure developers, who are responsible for designing and creating cloud solutions on the Azure platform. 

Microsoft Azure Developer
With respect to the credentials MS Azure developer certification, they are supposed to program Azure cloud boards, and they create programs and resources for consumers every day that meet the needs of every cloud technology company. However, it is considered that Azure developers need to know regarding the potential of the Azure platform and find inspiration to work creatively within these boundaries and create practical cloud-based business solutions.

Microsoft Azure Administrator
Considering the certification for Microsoft Azure administrator, once companies have decided to use it as a primary cloud platform, accomplished management is needed to ensure that this link is traced between the cloud and the technology as well. However, every business needs at least one administrator who can precise network failures, analyze system vulnerabilities, in addition, to perform operations as efficiently as possible. As they say, money is time, developers are supposed to work hard in order to prevent wasting time, and money as well from network errors or breakdowns.

Microsoft Azure Architect
Azure architects certified can be supposed as similar as developers in their creative role in solving technology cloud problems, but focus more on creating new cloud routes and networks than developing programs and applications to fill those networks. Though, if a certified developer is like an expert in urban planning, architects will look more like the transportation department and ensure that the roads run efficiently than any business involved. It is the architects who initiate the project and, if necessary, intervene to completely redesign the network when problems go beyond server capabilities. They are mostly larger technology companies. 

On the other side, these three roles are a kind of centralized certification for the Azure cloud technology industry, and in order to get such Azure developer certification, you must first go through and get an Azure master credential. Also, getting Azure development training before taking the certification exam will also improve the chances of passing the exam. This is great news as it allows you to learn before applying the Azure in general before choosing the role that you will suppose to play. However, you may think that an architect is a perfect match for your skills and ambitions, but after taking the Azure fundamentals course, you decide that you are more interested in becoming a developer. As you learn the basics, you have time for these improvements as well.

Currently, the second phase of Azure developer certification is after these breaks. Going from the basics of affiliate certification, you have the opportunity to consult a certified professional, in the certification of professionals, managers and developers meet as experts. However, using the example of urban planning, they are again business designers and those who keep existing buildings under the same roof with engineers. In addition, architects working on expanding the Azure cloud network must receive this special certification before they can declare them. Though, this means that becoming a programmer or developer, both requires less work than becoming an architect because there is no central certification for architectural roles. On the other hand, taking on the role of expert technology, you are responsible for the developer and manager as well.