
Whetherenjoyed at work or at home, a cup of coffee is a daily essential for most people. At work, a coffee machine is as necessary as a desk, and no office is complete without one. But finding the right coffee machine can be a confusing decision for companies, as there are so many options to choose from. Bosses could be reluctant to buy a new coffee machine, as the price of buying a high-quality machine may be relatively costly for some smaller businesses.

Despite a daunting amount of options and potentially high costs, installing a new coffee machine or updating an existing one is well worth it. Scientific research has proven that having an office espresso machine can have a positive effect on productivity in the workplace. If you’re considering upgrading your office coffee machine in Melbourne, here are the top four reasons why you shouldn’t leave the idea brewing too long. 

A Low-Cost &Highly-Valued Perk

According to research, over 50% of staff are unsatisfied with the standard of coffee available in their workplace. This seems avoidable, because once you spread out the outlay of a coffee machine over its lifetime, the cost is minimal. Installing a decent coffee machine makes workers feel valued, and employees truly appreciate being able to make quality coffee in their workplace. Having a better relationship with your staff will make being at work a more enjoyable place to be, and as happy workers are more productive workers, this will improve the overall productivity of your business. 

Increase in Productivity

The positive effects of coffee, both on your mind and body, have been proven repeatedly. One of these benefits is an improvement in concentration and energy levels. As well as the short-time cognitive improvements, regular coffee drinkers can expect to keep their thinking skills at a higher rate than non-coffee drinkers. Given this, it’s well worth upgrading your coffee machine in Melbourne, as it could have a significant influence on theperformance of your workers. 

Provide Quality Breaks for Staff

Moral in the workplace is vitally important, and a coffee machine can play its part. It can become the social hub of your office space. Sitting at a desk all day without socialising can be demoralising, but the obligatory coffee break can be a time when employees take time to interact with each other and socialise, which can improve positivity, output and drive throughout the working day. Research shows a business suffers when breaks are unenjoyable or restricted.

Reduce Employee Off-Site Time

If an employee feels they can’t make a good coffee at their workplace, it’s likely they’ll go elsewhere to find it. This could mean time-consuming trips to the local coffee shop, wherever that may be. This can cause a substantial loss in working hours for the employer and have a negative effect on the output of the company. With a decent espresso machine in the workplace, employees won’t need to go outside to get their coffee. This will also save them money that they would’vehad to spend on expensive coffee-shop bought coffee.