So, you got that new job in a great location, and you’re ready to move yourself and your family. Moving is never an easy undertaking whether you are fresh out of college or you are married with a family. However, there are a few things you can do to make your move as stress-free as possible. Let’s look at a few steps you can take to make your new move, Whether it’s 100 miles away or 1000 miles away, as painless as possible.


Don’t procrastinate.
Even if your move is going to take place in less than a week, you should still start planning for how you were going to pack and move your belongings. Start by planning what you intend to pack, choosing a moving company, looking into a portable moving unit, and, if you have a car or multiple cars, a car transportation service.

Most people decide to do a “purge” of their belongings when they get ready to move. Of course sometimes that is not an option. Also, for those who are just starting out in life, you may only have a few belongings and your clothing to move. However, if you have a family, moving time is a great time to do a purge. Start by making a list of the things that you definitely need to take with you. This would be furniture, clothing, and other necessities such as cookware. At the same time, it is a good idea to go through one’s closet and discard any unused clothing; take for instants, your own closet. If there are clothes in your closet that you haven’t worn in over a year, then it might be a good time to discard those clothes. For children, clothes that no longer fit should be discarded. The same could be said for your furniture appliances and cookware. If any of those items listed are broken or no longer work, then moving time is a great time to simply throw those items out. A little organization goes a long way in the process.

Of course, the main objective when you first begin packing is to keep from procrastinating or putting off your packing. Do a little something every day. If that means on day one you simply do a purge, then you have accomplished at least part of your goal in preparing to move. Waiting until the last minute is a sure fire guarantee that you are likely to miss something misplaced something or otherwise lose a valuable item while you are moving.

Use a Portable Storage Unit
Start in individual bedrooms. These are the easiest rooms to pack up, and, with a little planning, you can leave out the items you’ll need until moving day. Choose a few sets of clothes to wear for the remainder of the time you are in the home, and pack everything else. Then, so the moving boxes are out of the way, you can rent a portable storage unit and place sealed, labeled moving boxes inside until moving day. The kitchen and the bathroom will likely be the last rooms that you pack up. However if you have cookware and dishes that can be packed, a storage unit is the best place to keep these items.

Use sturdy moving boxes and packing labels.
There is just no match for moving boxes! They are sturdy, and it is easy to place a label on the box to see just where are the belongings inside should go. While there are those who will use a marker to label boxes, packing labels are actually easier on the eyes. One expert recommends using color coded packing labels so that you don’t even need to read each individual box to see where it should go. Four instance, one child’s room might be the color blue, while the other child’s color is green. That way, boxes with matching colors can all be unloaded from the portable storage unit into the individual’s new room, and everyone can unpack their own areas.

If you do purge some items, plan for a day to remove those items.
Once you have gathered the items you do not wish to keep, then take some time out of your busy moving week schedule to discard those items. If you have clothing that you feel is still in good condition, you can take those items to the local Salvation Army or other charitable organizations. Furniture that you do not wish to take on the move can also be donated, but you’ll need to call the charity to come and pick those items up. Scheduling ahead can help to clear the house well in advance of moving day.

Consider using a car transport service to move your vehicles.
Whether you are moving a few hundred miles away or a few thousand, consider hiring a car transport service to pick up and deliver your car to your new city at a cost between $600 and $1000 (depending on the miles you’ll need a vehicle or vehicles moved), you can save depreciation and wear and tear on your vehicle by utilizing a service of this kind.

Enlist a trusted mover.
Do you still have that portable storage unit in the front yard? Then hire a reputable move her to hook up that unit and haul it to your new location. Hiring a mover allows you to not have to stress over moving everything yourself. They will often even set up your furniture for you as well. There are a few things to think about when hiring a moving company such price, reputation, and employees. 

These are just a few ways to keep moving stress-free! Don’t put off packing until the last minute, and consider using a portable storage unit to store pack boxes until moving day. Finally, a car transportation service can help to save wear and tear on your vehicles. Happy moving!