If you have your own website and social media presence, chances are you are already aware of Website Compliance. If not, here’s a quick overview: Website Compliance is the state of observing and following all accessibility of laws and regulations drawn by the government, that are applied to your Website.


So then, what is GDPR?
GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation is a regulation in the EU law that aims at improving the protection of an individual’s data and protection. If you fail to abide by this law introduced on 25th May 2018, you will be liable to pay a fine of 20 million Euros or 4% of your turnover (whichever is greater!)
If this wasn’t motivation enough to make your website compliant, let me tell you a tiny mistake in this area of work and your competitors/customers wouldn’t spare you an inch. Here is an example to give you a deeper understanding and a clearer picture:

Mike, was handling the legal department of ABC ltd, which had an online presence in the form of their own website. One day, he faced a dilemma when ABC ltd was sued for 5000 Euros. The reason behind this crisis was that the customer had used an expired coupon which was no longer acceptable on their website. Fortunately, things did not go ugly and they registered a win. All thanks to the data that they have been archiving that proved in the court as evidence. When asked, Mike said that he has been using a tool called Stillio to serve this purpose.

What is Stillio?
Stillio is a nifty web archiving tool, that captures website screenshots automatically. Among the plethora of features, it is blessed with, one is Website Compliance.

For instance, it would ensure that you don’t get your hands dirty doing all the manual work. Their easily accessible portal ensures that your archival processes are completely automatic and at the same time hassle-free which will be stored externally, and independently, for security and reliability purposes. On that note, let us draw you a picture of how Stillio will help you when it comes to legal battles, 

1.     Capturing evidence in the form of timely screenshots
Capturing screenshots is the most basic function of Stillio. Like in Mike’s scenario, he protected the brand’s integrity and reputation, as he had the desired evidence in timely captured screenshots of every brand activity they performed. This case study must be enough to prove the efficacy of this tool.

2.     All the data you need in your fingertips
You see, your website is the place where you and users actually interact, and this is the only place that will prove to be a touchpoint for them. So, this is where all the historical data, or in other words records must be available on the go. But that’s not it. A record also enables you with enough legal backup and evidence during any legal proceedings, in or against your favor.

3.     Preserve and deliver your content whenever needed
Bad times don’t come knocking at your door, likewise, you never know when you will need the records of your online presence. It’s in your best interest to be prepared at all times. This could be for archival purpose, as well as on the demand of the auditor - You must have the trusted records, and this is when Stillio again comes to your rescue. This life-savior comes with a print screen feature, with which you can capture print screens, preserve your content and deliver when needed.

4.     Free from the litigation process
While free would be the wrong word to use in this context, as no business is completely free from the risk of litigation. But with Stillio, you are capable to access your website and social media information in no time, and also, cut all the costs as well as the risks associated in the process.

5.     Protects from being a victim of false claims
Even if you are working with the corporate giants out there, you need to understand that no one is safe from being adjourned to false claims. Anyone can be a victim of false claims. This is when Stillio can support you in your arguments, making them much more effective with the right evidence.

Well by now, you must have understood that website compliance isn’t something that can be ignored only if you don’t wish to land up in major trouble. With Stillio by your side, you get an upper hand back up with solid evidence, in the form of screenshots.