You may wonder why you would need a link building service like Hybrid Traffic. Hiring an agency for your link building strategies can help you generate high traffic, improve sales, and your PageRank.

Google changes its algorithms every now and then. But one thing that remains is that links are a powerful ranking factor for sites. 

Hyperlinks (backlinks) are an SEO tactic that tells that your site is a trustworthy and authority brand. When this happens, more users are going to read and share your content. 


Let’s first take a look at link building:

Link building is the process of earning links from one page to your own page. Also known as an inbound link, it is a determining factor for search engines like Google to assess your popularity on SERPs.

Why is link building important?

Sites cannot rank with only on-site optimization and great content. It needs backlinks. 

Links are Google’s PageRank factor.
Links lead to authority content.
Links pass power and authority.
Links pass trust.
Google says that it is impossible for users to find a site without links. 

Not all links are good for your site.

This is true. These days, the quantity of links is not the only basis for ranking a site. You need to build high-quality links from trusted pages or sites.

Sites should target fewer, but high-quality links. Spammy links can put your site in danger with Google. 

It can penalize you. You can even lose your organic traffic.

Google and Link Building

There are a lot of link building experts in the market. But, are you sure that they can help you with your link building campaign?

Can they provide the results you want? Expert link builders know that you should build links for your audience in mind. Great content with backlinks can place on top of the SERPs.

You will benefit much if you have natural backlinks. If Google doesn’t see that you’re manipulating to build backlinks, you are safe. Keep in mind that manipulating the algorithms is a violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. 

White Hat Link Building Tactics

When Google sees that you are following its algorithms, you will be rewarded with SERPs. Your brand will become an authority, your site will attract more traffic, and it’s good for your sales.


Guest Posting

Guest posting is one proven way to earn backlinks from relevant sites. You should find authoritative blog sites where you can share your content. 

In return, they will link back to you. Use navigational or brand keywords. 

Reciprocal Linking

You can do this method if you don’t abuse it. Doing it a lot of times can penalize you.

As long as you stick with the topic and link exchange comes naturally, it shouldn’t be an issue.

Blog Post and Forum Comments

One way to earn backlinks is by contributing to related forums and blog posts in your niche. Make sure you participate in related threads in forums and share links. 

Overdoing comments like commenting on a different topic or including links on the signature is a red flag for spam.

Web Directory Links

Don’t just add your site in any web directory. Access trustworthy directories that are useful for your potential customers. Always ensure that you are adding your site to relevant directories. 

Quality Content

Do not buy links to improve your PageRank. Instead, create high-quality and relevant content for your audience. 

Being natural is the key. Create informative content for your readers and other sites will link to you. 

Don’t buy links for the sake of earning backlinks. It’s manipulation. 

Build Relationships

You need to build good relationships with influencers in your niche. Participate in blogs, forums, and social media communities. 

Contribute comments or content. Interact with the sites. Make sure to provide contextual value to every content. 

Offer Testimonial

Offering testimonials is one way to earn backlinks. If a site offers you to write a blog or comment on your experience about their product or service, do it.

Writing a testimonial is a great way to get backlinks from them. It helps build more traffic to your site and trust. 

Working with reputable digital marketing experts like Hybrid Traffic can improve your domain authority, attract more referral traffic, boost brand awareness and authority. It can also help you focus on the other marketing aspects that you may have overlooked before.