
Almost 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck each month. But, it doesn't have to be that way. 

Thanks to financial gurus, there's enough advice out there to help you on your journey. All it takes is choosing which guru's personality and approach speak to you, then follow their advice to a better future. 

Keep reading to learn more about the top financial gurus and what advice they have to give. 

1. Dave Ramsey

If there was ever a financial guru who's become a household name, it's Dave Ramsey. 

Dave Ramsey was a real-estate investor in the '80s who lived with a lot of debt tied up in his investments. One day, the bank that was financing his investments demanded repayment, causing him to realize how much financial trouble he was in. From there, he lost everything and started from the bottom. 

He uses 7 baby steps to help everyone be able to "live and give like no one else." Now, he's an author, radio show host, businessman, and true financial guru. 

2. Rachel Cruze

If Dave Ramsey's advice seems a little dated and you're looking for someone more modern, look no further than his own daughter Rachel Cruze. 

Walking in her father's footsteps, she has gone on to work with him and develop herself as her own financial guru. While she follows and encourages all the same baby steps as her father, she does it in a relatable way. 

She's best known for her relatable books, like Love Your Life, Not Theirs, that share the ups and downs of living a frugal lifestyle. Use one of her Contentment Journals to help guide you on your own financial journey. 

3. David Bach

Financial guru David Bach has a way with words, so much so that he's written 10 consecutive best-sellers. 

He's most well-known for his book, The Automatic Millionaire, which provides a plan to live and finish life rich. And his most notable piece of advice is the phrase, "pay yourself first." He encourages saving money at every stage in life as a way to invest in and protect your future. 

On top of being an accomplished writer, he also has his own podcast and blog. 

4. Erin Lowry

The younger generations may gravitate towards Erin Lowry and her honest approach to finances in this difficult age. 

A lot of her advice focuses on paying off debt so that you can enjoy and start planning for the future. She discusses things like debt consolidation, as explained on the debthunch website, and even how to navigate paying your parents rent. Get this advice through her book series, her online course, or her Youtube show. 

The key phrase that appears in most of her content is "broke millennial," which is relatable to many! 

Join the Ranks of Financial Gurus

Know that you know a little more about these financial gurus, it's time to take their advice.

Follow them on social media, purchase their books, and bookmark their websites. With a little extra effort, you too can find yourself among the ranks of those considered financial gurus. Everyone's financial journey has to start somewhere! 

While you're here, browse the rest of this site for advice to help you conquer every aspect of life.