
Breathtaking landscapes, spectacular traditions, and untamed nature are only a few of the reasons why Romania has become so popular among travel savvies. According to data from the National Institute of Statistics, in the first months of 2018, there were over 5.2 million arrivals recorded in the touristic structures in the country including both Romanian and foreign tourists. 

Romania is absolutely worth a visit! However, if you are torn between visiting Romania or another destination next year, these 5 reasons will make your choice a lot easier:  

1. Romania has breathtaking nature and spectacular wildlife 

Nature in Romania is the top must-see attraction of this beautiful country. Surprising as it may be, only a few other places in Europe can compete with the spectacular natural landscapes you will find here. 

Compared to any other country, part of the European Union, Romania holds the first place as the most biogeographically country thanks to its diverse landscape. Here, you will find multiple natural wonders including Scarisoara Glacier (the second biggest underground glacier in Europe, Bigar waterfall, Turda salt mine, half of the Carpathians (the second-longest chain in Europe), the Black Sea, and the living fires of Buzau. 

If you are still not convinced that Romania’s natural wonders are worth visiting, you should also know that the country is home to no less than eight spectacular World Heritage Sites. Romania is home to the Dacian fortresses of the Orastie Mountains, the historic center of Sighisoara, and the painted churches of Moldavia. Moreover, the country also has the biggest wetland in Europe, the Danube Delta, which is a major stopping point for migratory birds. 

When it comes to its spectacular wildlife, you should know that Romania is one of the best European destinations for wildlife watching where you can observe not only large mammals but also multiple bird species. In Romania, you can find the largest population of brown bears in Europe, but also many other animal species such from lynx to badgers, wolves, deer, and more. 

2. Old castles and churches 


If you are passionate about history, you must know that Romania is deeply saturated with it. From magnificent castles to picturesque fortified churches, medieval architecture is everywhere. 

Perhaps the most famous castle in Romania is Bran Castle, also known as Dracula’s Castle. However, other medieval castles around the country such as Peles Castle, the citadel of Alba Iulia, or the Corvin Castle are equally as spectacular and unique. 

If you want to take a trip back in history to the Middle Ages, all you have to do is to visit the towns and villages across Maramures and you will be amazed by the incredibly well-preserved medieval architecture and atmosphere. Brasov is another medieval city in Romania that is definitely worth a visit! Located in the famous region Transylvania, this medieval town has a magic of its own with many cobbled streets and colorful townhouses. Look for day trips from Brasov if you want to visit other famous sights such as Bran (Dracula) Castle, Sighisoara Citadel or go hiking in the Carpathian Mountains! 

Thanks to its massively rich medieval history, the country is saturated with unique architecture, castles, towers, fortified churches, and cultural diversity that will take you back in time.  

3. Rich culture and traditions 

Perhaps one of the most attractive aspects of Romania for foreign tourists is its rich culture and spectacular traditions. From folk costumes, unique Christian Christmas and Easter traditions, the popular culture’s fantasy images of Dracula, and different traditions to attract love and good fortune, Romanian customs and culture are what bring a touch of magic and poor color into Romanians’ everyday lives. 

Most Romanian traditions and customs revolve around special events such as births, weddings, deaths, and holidays. Other traditions are connected to the succession of the seasons or rituals that have a mystical background in the Romanian culture. What makes most of the customs and traditions so special is the fact that they are designed to gather the whole community together to take part in. 

What’s even more interesting about the Romanian culture and traditions is that each region of the country showcases different customs passed down from generation to generation. For example, Maramures, Bucovina, and Ardeal are the most popular regions in Romania for their customs that give foreign and Romanian tourists a truly authentic experience of the country’s culture. 

4. Romanian cuisine is mouth-watering 

If you are a food lover, you must definitely try the most popular Romanian dishes! There is such a richness in terms of traditional cuisine that your senses will be absolutely delighted by the amazing and intense flavors. Romanian dishes are neither too spicy, nor too complicated but they taste like something so familiar yet something you have never tried before, at the same time. 

Romanian dishes bring together a mix of tasty ingredients and reinterpreted recipes from Balkan, Turkish, Serbian, German, and Hungarian cuisines. Most dishes are mostly based on pork meat and vegetables, and heavily use garlic!

Among the most popular traditional Romanian dishes you can find Sarmale (Cabbage rolls), Mamaliga (Polenta), Mici (Grilled minced meat rolls, also known by the locals as “mititei”), Jumari (smoked bacon and greaves), and Drob de miel (Lamb drob). 

The Romanian cuisine also includes multiple delicious dessert recipes such as Papanasi (Fried doughnuts with sour cream and jam) or Cozonac (Sweetbread).   

If you are a vegetarian, fear not, Romania has the tastiest and healthiest vegetables and fruits to offer which make for the best plant-based dishes. 

5. It’s affordable 

Last but not least, one of the biggest advantages of being a traveler in Romania is the fact that you can enjoy this country on a relatively low budget. Compared to other European countries, Romania offers a spectacular travel experience for very low costs. 

Both food and hotel prices are low compared to other destinations. Moreover, admission fees for castles, museums or other touristic attractions are very reasonable, so you won’t feel like you need to skip out any of the sights you want to see. 

Romania is a fascinating amalgamation of medieval charm and modern lifestyle. It is a magnificent destination that will offer you some of the best traveling experiences. Don’t wait too long before you visit Romania because the secret of this country’s beauty will soon enough not be a secret anymore.