With new mobile phones continually hitting the shelves these days, people are now disposing of their old handsets in favor of the latest ones faster than ever. While their old phones may be in perfect working order, there are some people who always want the latest model, which means that their old handset then become obsolete as soon as a desirable new one comes out.

If you find yourself with one or more mobile handsets on your hands, there are various ways in which you can get rid of the old handset. In order to avoid damaging the environment, it is vital that you are responsible when it comes to your old mobile phone. In this article, we will look at some of the solutions you can consider.

What You Can Do with Your Old Phone

Rather than have a variety of old phones gathering dust and cluttering up your drawers, it is advisable to look at the most effective ways to get rid of your unwanted handsets. Some of the options you can consider include:

Selling it Online
If you have a pretty recent phone model that is in good working order, you might be able to get a very good price for it online. It is well worth looking at home much other people are selling the same make and model for on sites like eBay, as this will give you a better idea of what you can get. Of course, you will need to take the condition of the handset into consideration if you want to sell old mobile phones online, as this can have an impact on the value. 


Recycling the Phone
If your phone is not in the best condition aesthetically or it is not in good working order, you may struggle to sell it to other people. However, this does not mean you cannot get some money for it, as there are plenty of recycling sites that will purchase your old handset from you. Of course, if it is badly damaged or broken, you will only get a fraction of what it is worth, but it is still better than showing it in a drawer to gather dust. So, take some time to compare what you can get from different recycling sites. You can get rid of your handset in a responsible manner and get a little extra cash at the same time. 

Giving it to a Friend or Family Member
While you may be looking forward to getting your hand on the latest 2020 smartphones, you may have a friend or family member who is stuck with an old, worn, or even damaged handset and cannot afford to upgrade. You can show off your generosity and help them out by letting them have your old handset once you get your new one. They may have to pay to get it unlocked depending on the network you are with, but this is a small price to pay for a decent phone. 

Choose the Right Option for You

These are just some of your options when it comes to getting rid of old phones. You will need to do a little research and consider the condition and age of your handset in order to choose the right option for you. However, having access to the internet makes this task a lot easier, as you can get a better idea of how much you can get for it and you can even sell it online. You can then put any extra cash toward the cost of your new phone.