
Commercial litigation virtually involves any type of dispute that tends to arise in any business context. Such disputes may include partnership disputes, property dispute, civil RICO claims or breach of contracts among others. Any of such instances, a commercial lawyer is supposed to ensure that they assess all them merits of such disputes and come up with either a defence or prosecution that will fit both the business and legal needs of a particular client. Therefore, commercial litigation implies that two or more parties that are entangled in a business bind try to solve the business-related issues by way of appealing to the legal system of the land.

Commercial litigation calls for creativity, sound judgement and efficiency in order to intelligently position any of such disputes.

Who is a commercial litigation lawyer?

They are professional legal experts charged with the responsibility of representing the interests of a business or a company in case of any financial or related disputes. This individual is tasked with the duty of ensuring the rights of a business or company are protected and at the same time ensure that they obtain the best possible outcomes when a litigation process comes to an end.

What does a commercial litigation lawyer do?

In case your business or company is faced with a dispute, the first step should be seeking the help of a commercial litigation lawyer. The first thing the litigation lawyer will do is perform an analysis of your case. This will involve asking all the questions deemed relevant or necessary to get to the bottom of the case. It will be upon you to be as discrete as possible to ensure that your lawyer gets all the details.

It does not matter whether you are a claimant or you are seeking representation because it is the duty of the lawyer to map out the best legal course of action. This means that the option in question should be able to minimise any further financial risks to the business.

After they have analysed your case and have established the potential of your claim, they will advise in whether to have an out-of-court settlement of go ahead and file a court lawsuit, whichever is best. Their role will be to gather in any relevant proof to the filing of the case in court. Other common duties that your lawyer should be able to perform include:

Carry out an initial case evaluation.
Draft any necessary pleadings or motions.
Formulation of responses to the other complainant.
Exchange of information during the discovery process.
Preparation of vital documentation for lawsuits.
Choosing and deploying the best strategy based on the collected evidence.
Presentation of the case in court.
Carry out negotiations in the settlement phase.
Appeal if the negotiations fail.

When do you need them?

There are many instances where you might need the services of these experts. Some of these situations include:

Fraud disputes.
Debt collection.
Breach of contracts.
Intellectual property disputes.
Corporate disputes.
Partnership disputes.
Shareholder disputes.
Product liability claims.
Employment disputes.
Tortious interference.
Breach of fiduciary duty.

A litigation lawyer plays an important role in ensuring any commercial disputes are put to rest while ensuring that there are minimal financial risks to either party involved, regardless of the type of dispute. Typically, these lawyers don’t necessarily have the experience in all the above-mentioned fields thus it is important to find a commercial lawyer with a proven track record in your niche to get the best possible outcomes.