Whether you are launching a new business or you have already established one, it is of the utmost importance to have and maintain a strong online presence. As a matter of fact, 97% of people do their research about businesses online rather than anywhere else. Small business owners that wish to track their brand awareness and return on investment (ROI) need to take advantage of digital marketing. Not only does digital marketing play a vital role in the promotion of goods and services, but the overall success of your business also depends on optimizing your online assets. 


The only issue is that there are tons of digital marketing strategies, which often makes it difficult for businesses to pick a strategy. It should be noted that not every strategy will work for all businesses; you need to consider your business and your target audience before you make a choice. Some of the top options to explore are:

Facebook Advertising 
More than two million small to medium-sized businesses are using Facebook advertising. After all, it is an inexpensive yet effective way of marketing virtually to any audience. The best thing about Facebook ads is that they are great for advanced targeting. You can reach a specific audience based on age, location, sex, interests and online behavior. Plus, creating Facebook ads is also very easy. All you need is a solid headline, an image, a link, and some descriptive copy. 

Google My Business
One of the most powerful things you can do for your business is ranking your Google My Business (GMB) listing. As a matter of fact, if you are running a local business and targeting a local market, it is the most powerful strategy you can use. With a high GMB listing, you will be able to get highly qualified leads without having to spend any time on ads. GMB combines different Google platforms in one place, which includes Google reviews, Google Maps, Google+ profile, and others.

Google AdWords
More than 40,000 searches are conducted on Google every second. There is no other advertising method that has the potential of getting your business in front of that many eyes. Google AdWords is one of the strongest online marketing tactics and is quite competitive. But, if you know what you are doing, it can work wonders for you. Even though it is a paid channel, it can deliver relevant search results. You can hire a Google Ads Agency to help you in this regard. For instance, Onma Agency is the best option if you are in Germany and they can craft a great addition that gives you a high click-through-rate (CTR). 

Content marketing
Creating and distributing relevant, valuable and consistent content for attracting and retaining a clearly-defined audience and driving customer action is content marketing. As opposed to paid advertising, it is more focused on long-term results. You may not get a big payoff initially, but you will certainly see sustainable growth in leads, visitors and customers.