
Among various healthcare professions, nursing is one of the noble ones, it allows the nurses to serve humanity in the best possible ways and make this world a better place to live for the people. 

There was an era when these nurses only belonged to regular tasks like blood pressure or pulse monitoring or taking patients' medical history or administering medicines, but now the time has been changed and these nurses are playing a vital role in saving the world. Talking about the role of nurses in healthcare are so many, they cannot only work hand to hand with the physicians but also provide their expertise in several crucial cases to benefit the patients and other healthcare professionals with their knowledge and work experience. 
The nurses are doing a tremendous job in their fields and a large number of people are opting for this profession as this profession has grown a lot and diverse fields are there in which you can do specialization. Several fields are there like oncology, gastroenterology, cardiovascular, in which these nurses can making their careers and serve the people.
The role of nurses and their choice of career depends upon their education and the experience, but whatever the field they want to pursue, they must have a degree and special certification. That certification involves the work experience as a registered nurse along with the working experience of 2,000 hours in a specific field like oncology, etc.
For instance, the nurses who want to make their career in family medicine are the registered family nurse practitioners with the FNP certification. These nurses have specialized education and training in the clinical setup in the family practice. After this, they are permitted to deal with the cases associated with the adults, children, or both in the clinical setup. 

There is no doubt that these nurses are the nation's pride and they are doing a remarkable job in helping the people and saving their lives. There is a misconception that a simple registered nurse is enough to attend all kinds of patients, but we need to understand that for every type of patient we need a nurse who is specialized in a distinct field. For instance, having a simple degree of nursing cannot attend the patients of HIV/AIDS as they will be needing a special certification that involves two years of working experience in HIV or AIDS nursing. In the same way, if you want to pursue your career as a family nurse practitioner then you need a certification of FNP.

The nurses in the specialized fields need to work harder and the certification from the concerned authorities to build their career in it. But the nurses having a bachelor's degree in nursing with no specialization are mostly worked as a registered nurse. They are responsible for routine things like observing and recording patients' behavior, performing physical exams and various test for diagnosis, counseling and educating patients about the medication and their treatment plans.

As we discussed earlier, the nurses who want to be part of certain fields like oncology, gastroenterology, or cardiovascular, etc. need to have a specialization in the particular area with some educational requirements and a few years of working experience. A simple registered nurse cannot deal with cancerous patients, they are not easy to handle. The nurses through their scientific knowledge, professional and technical skills help the people in striving the disease and provide the best care to the patients to survive in the battle of cancer. But these nurses can only opt for this field if they are a registered nurse with the minimum work experience of 2 years as an RN and a minimum 2,000 credit hours of adult oncology practice of nursing.

In our daily lives, we meet a lot of people who are suffering from certain cardiac problems and other related issues. But providing care and help to such patients is not the sole responsibility of cardiologists. It is the duty of nurses as well who are specialized in the cardiovascular and are capable of sharing their expertise. They are trained in treating patients with certain primary and coronary heart diseases. And they are responsible for providing rehabilitation services to the patients. To make their career in this amazing field they must have the work experience of 2 years as a registered nurse along with the 2,000+ hours of working in the cardiovascular nursing practice. 

Whatever the field you choose, you need to be passionate about it, if you have the love for humanity and you want to serve the people with love and care, then go for nursing. It is one of the best fields to pursue and you have a lot of chances to make your career in numerous relatable fields like oncology, HIV/AIDS, etc. All you need is a bachelor's degree in nursing with a few years of work experience and certification for a particular field.