With about 60,000 miles of blood vessels throughout the body, the circulatory system plays a vital role in your overall wellness. They carry blood throughout your body, and when the circulation slows down or is blocked, serious complications can arise. The good thing is that there are ways to naturally boost your circulatory system. 


Quit Smoking
One of the best things you can do for your health is to quit smoking. A single day after quitting, your blood pressure starts dropping. Between 4 to 12 weeks after stopping, your blood circulation begins to improve, and your chances of heart disease fall. Quitting smoking will also give you an energy boost and improve your lung function, which can add a few extra steps in your workout. All this movement can keep your blood pumping. 

Change Your Diet 
Another essential part of improving circulation and boosting your overall health is eating a healthy, well-balanced diet. Additionally, there are certain foods you can eat that may improve it, too, such as,
  • Pomegranate
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Cinnamon
  • Garlic
  • Fatty Fish (mackerel, tuna, sardines, and salmon)
  • Leafy greens
  • Walnuts

You can also improve your heart health by also adding avocado, berries, and green tea to your diet. 

Hydrate More
It may sound like an adage, but healthy bodies are well-hydrated. Half your blood is water-based, and drinking eight glasses per day helps keep things moving. It also assists the body in flushing out impurities and promotes strong muscles that work longer and harder. In return, this increase in movements can enhance circulation and encourage positive heart health.

Try Yoga
Daily fitness can help you improve circulation. Yoga is excellent for beginners. The low-impact exercise can help reduce body mass, which may help compress and decompress the veins. A 2014 study found that participants that used yoga to lose weight made significant strides towards achieving a healthy waistline. 
There are specific techniques yogi’s use that directly help with the circulatory system. The most common is downward-facing dog that places the hips and heart above the head and lets gravity take the lead. 

Buy Compression Socks 
Compression socks or stockings are commonly used for patients that aren’t very mobile, such as following surgery or residents in nursing facilities, to increase blood flow and reduce the chances of a deadly blood clot. Their popularity has grown, expanding to the sports world and for pregnant women and people who work long hours on their feet. No matter who is using the compression socks, the goal is the same, to gently squeeze the leg and force the blood to keep circulating. 

Get Regular Massages 
A massage may sound like a treat or luxury. But it’s actually a health benefit. Massage therapy is an excellent way to reduce stress, ease muscle strain, calm anxiety, and promote good circulation. It achieves this by stimulating the blood flow. Some massage techniques can provide more benefits, for example, a leg massage of the calf muscles, ankles, and feet can help keep the system moving. A popular type technique that’s excellent for improving circulation is a deep tissue massage. This heavy-handed procedure uses a lot of pressure and deep strokes. 

Boost Your Antioxidants 
Antioxidants are essential for your health. They can prevent free radical cell damage, which occurs from environmental factors, such as tobacco, UV radiation (sun), and even pollution. Your body produces these naturally. If you’re still asking how to improve circulation after making several changes, supplements may help increase your antioxidants. Look for supplements that are packed with vitamins and minerals that act as antioxidants. 

Get a Standing Desk
They say that sitting is the new smoking. You can work out, eat great, get a good night’s rest. But if you sit for eight hours a day, it’s affecting your circulation. Even if you’re drinking eight or more glasses of water, a sedentary lifestyle stops the movement. If you can’t get a standing desk or a desk that allows you to sit and stand, there are other options. Regular breaks to stretch your legs and daily exercises to keep the blood moving can be beneficial for office workers. 

There are several ways to improve circulation. If you don’t see improvement with a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and supplements, contact your doctor for further examination.