Think about some of the world’s biggest and most well-known brands. What is the one aspect they all have in common? Well, one thing you will notice is that successful brands always make their design and logo a top priority. This is because a good design creates an unforgettable first impression that not only helps you differentiate your business from competitors but also boosts brand awareness which plays a key role in your marketing efforts. 


If you own a brick and mortar store, a well-designed storefront sign can enhance your business appearance and highlight your brand. For all your signage needs in Houston Texas be sure to talk to HSC (Humble Sign Co), the best and most reliable sign suppliers in town. Apart from storefront signs HSC also supplies LED signs, pole and pylon signs, vehicle wraps, scoreboards, monument signs, channel letters, and vinyl and graphic banners. 

But why is design so important for your brand? Here are a few reasons why you should consider investing in quality design for your business.

1. First Impressions Matter
First impressions are very important. Imagine walking down a busy street that has several clothing stores. What is the one thing that attracts you to a particular shop and makes you want to go in to see what they have? Is it the elegant or decorative touch they have put outside their store? Or is it the window display? What makes you walk past or ignore the run-down store with dirty windows and a rusty store sign? First impressions. 

As an entrepreneur, you need to remember that when customers walk past your store, they are actually judging you, your brand, and the quality of your products. This is why you need to invest in quality design. The design of your store will either contribute to your business bottom line or deter it. If you have a store or office reception, an office lobby sign can improve the visual appeal of your office décor. 
Backlit lobby signs that glow can enhance the store’s atmosphere and show off your brand's character. Remember to also keep your entryway clean and organized. Don’t put too much décor as it can turn off customers. Open and aired spaces are always more welcoming.  

2. Attractive Design Will Always Make Your Brand Stand Out
According to Media Dynamics Inc., the average American is exposed to about 5000 brands and advertisements every day. Out of that large number, only 12 of these advertisements make a significant impact to leave an impression. If you want your brand to be among these 12, you must invest in an attractive design. This is because when a customer wants to buy a product or a service and he/she is caught in between choosing from two brands that sell similar products, they will often go for the brand that has a more pleasing design.  People have an attractive bias; they believe that beautiful things work better. Therefore, when creating your brand's assets ensure that you design beautiful experiences that will make your brand stand out. 

3. A Great Design Can Connect You to Your Customers and Win New Ones
No matter how great your marketing campaign is, it will only make an impact if it's noticeable. You have to catch your potential customers' attention and keep them interested in your brand above all the noise of the competition. 

A good design will go a long way in retaining your old customers and also positioning you into new markets. You can use design in several ways to appeal to new customers and also venture into new markets. One great way of developing your brand is through packaging, graphic design, and communicating effectively with customers.  Before you start the design process, be sure to identify the specific purpose and the objective of the project. Carry out research paying attention to what customers want. Use the right colors and layout that will emotionally connect to the specific target audience. If you want to win new customers and also keep your existing ones, you must remember the golden rule; to reach your customers' hearts, not just their wallets.  

4. The Right Design Can Influence More Conversions
Great design will do more than just make your brand look good; ultimately, the right design can help drive more conversions and improve ROI. For example, research has shown that customers feel a deeper connection to images that have people as compared to those that don’t. If you run a clothing store for babies and infants, a store sign with cute baby images can increase the visual response rate and attract more customers to walk into your store.