Which Chernobyl tour is better to pick to satisfy the expectations

The exclusion zone, being the most mysterious site in the world, attracts different groups of people: scientists, extreme lovers, journalists, movie makers, stalkers, and just those who need something more than just a trip to another country like Ukraine. Chernobyl tours offer zone’ guests to feel the post-apocalyptic atmosphere, where walking along empty and quiet streets of Pripyat, you can imagine yourself in a horror movie and experience emotions that cannot be experienced in any other city. There is something thrilling, intriguing, and, at the same time, scary about visiting an abandoned ghost town and small villages, the place where thousands of people lived happily and carefree till 1986 when a peaceful atom destroyed beautiful Soviet cities.


For tourists who want to discover the truth about past events, how Soviet people lived in Pripyat and worked at the Nuclear Power Plant, what are the real causes of the explosion at the 4th reactor and its horrific consequences, lots of Ukrainian agencies propose the following options of Chernobyl tours:

· private tours for small groups;
· one-day trip from Kyiv;
· two-days trips with the option of staying one night in the hotel Polissya;
· photo tours to the most breathtaking locations.

Which guided tour is better to choose depends on your goals. During a multi-day excursion, there are more chances to see and learn more. The program for two days includes visiting famous locations, secret objects, dead villages like Kopachi, the power plant itself, unfinished power units № 5, 6, and the most impressive attractions of the ghost town (Pripyat central square, an amusement park with the Ferris Wheel, school, etc.) More time in the exclusion zone will allow every tourist to plunge into the atmosphere of the atomic region. However, picking a one-day visit is no less exciting. This is a perfect option for those who don’t want to stay overnight in a place like Chernobyl.

Main reasons to go on tours of Chernobyl right now

Journey to the past. Visiting the zone is like traveling by time machine, as after 1986 the life of cities was ended. Residents were evacuated, and no one returned to the previously prosperous city. However, some people are brave enough to come back to some villages. But the main thing is that the Soviet spirit is still felt everywhere. Architecture, symbols, communist slogans on buildings – and it feels like you are back in USSR.


Flora and fauna on radioactive land. It is quite a strange fact that the territory, known as a place of the deadliest nuclear man-made disaster, can become a home for lots of Red Book animals. Such an ecosystem with its inhabitants like brown bears, lynx, bison, beavers, foxes, raccoon dogs, and others became a valuable environmental object, and conservation of wildlife in this area is a priority for environmentalists and the government of Ukraine. Chernobyl tour is a unique opportunity to meet the beautiful dwellers of Chernobyl. Moreover, many species of plants are thriving not only in woods and fields but even in Pripyat. So, tourists will have a chance to see with their own eyes how trees and vegetation cope with radioactivity.  

Catch the moment. Due to the fact that almost no one lives in the cities, there are no production facilities, agriculture, and, generally, human intervention, more likely, the ghost town will vanish from our maps, and the Chernobyl zone will lose its extraordinariness. Right now is the right time for coming to Ukraine and walking the most unusual place on Earth. And to do it, you can contact Go2Chernobyl. Having 7 years of experience in organizing Chernobyl tours, the team of experts guarantees safety, excitement, new knowledge, and explosive impressions.