Technology is critical to the health of the vacuum pump industry. The cost of operating and maintaining a vacuum pump increases each year. As such, the vacuum pump industry has used technology to cut down this cost. Vacuum pump industries such as Provac, have embraced technology by supplying reliable products. The latest vacuum pumps operate with reduced energy consumption, have fewer maintenance requirements, offer improved production, and enhanced cleanability. Continue reading to discover how technology has improved the vacuum pump industry.


Maintenance. About 90% of all the vacuum pumps in the world use the same technology that has been there for the last fifty years. The technology includes oil-sealed, rotary vanes, and water-sealed liquid ring vacuum pumps. These pumps have a short life and require regular maintenance. Water sealed liquid ring vacuum pumps are expensive to operate, and their performance depends on the incoming supply's temperature. The invention of dry screw pumps has come to the rescue. Unlike the previous pumping system, dry screw pumps do not use any oil or water to create a vacuum. They have two internal rotors in the housing, keeping the inside of the pump cavity dry. Dry screw pumps move products through the pump and out the exhaust. As such, you will not have the maintenance and repair costs that came with the traditional system.

Energy Saving. Technology has also reduced the energy consumption of vacuum pumps. The fact that dry screw pumps do not require water or oil to create a vacuum makes them more energy-efficient than their predecessors. Dry screw pumps also come with variable frequency drives. When on idle mode, you can slow down the pump to reduce its energy consumption. The previous vacuum pumps are air-cooled, meaning that they radiate heat. As such, the HVAC system has to work harder to maintain proper production. However, dry screw pumps are water-cooled. The water carries away heat, reducing the work of the cooling system. Some also come with an energy-saving mode.

Cleaning. Every company that uses vacuum pumps would want a system they can clean with minimal downtime. However, this is not the case with traditional pumps. Oil and water sealed vacuum pumps attract dirt over time. The trash leads to functionality problems and potential contamination. In case the pump develops a problem, the company has to remove it, take it out for diagnosis, wait for repair, and then return it to the production line. Fortunately, this is a thing of the past now. With a dry screw pump, you can easily take off the housing, access the inside of the pump, and clean it manually. The process will take you around one hour, and it is easy for employees to handle.

Compact size. Industries require equipment that can save on space. The invention of turbopumps has made this possible. Turbo pumps are small in size, and they are designed for easy integration. These pumps can deliver high pumping speeds without taking much of your space. Turbo pumps also have reduced power consumption and reduce the risk of contamination by using a dry lubrication suspension system.

High Performance. The latest vacuum pumps come with a hybrid bearing system. This unit is a combination of a ceramic ball bearing and a permanent magnetic radial bearing. The ceramic ball bearing is on the fore vacuum side while the magnetic radial bearing is on the high vacuum side. The rotor is raised to eliminate contact. This hybrid technology allows the pump to spring into action very quickly. This technology also allows you to assess your pump data and improve pump availability.  

Solar-Powered Pumps. Burning fossil fuels for power is damaging our environment. Carbon monoxide released to the air has contributed to global warming. Fortunately, technology has led to the use of solar power to produce renewable energy and preserve our environment. Vacuum pump manufacturers have created photovoltaic cells by capturing sunlight and converting it to energy. This technology has reduced the operational costs of vacuum pumps.

Technology has led to the manufacture of better vacuum pumps. Customers can now get better performance with less horsepower, fewer pumps, and lower costs. Optimizing the efficiency of your vacuum pump will reduce pumping losses and increase your production. Technology brings the benefits of more peace, high air quality, and less distraction. With these qualities, employees are motivated, leading to increased production. All in all, the vacuum pump industry must continue to conduct in-depth research to meet the needs of this fast growing world.