Herbal remedies contain active ingredients. Currently unclear are the active ingredients in several herbal preparations. Most herbal remedies are based on a single active component obtained from a plant source. Herbal medicine practitioners assume that if used in isolation from the rest of the plant, an active ingredient can lose its effect, or become less healthy.


Salicylic acid, for example, is present in the meadowsweet plant and is used for producing aspirin. Aspirin can cause bleeding to the stomach lining, but meadowsweet naturally contains other compounds that prevent salicylic acid irritation.

The influence of the entire plant is greater than its sections, according to the herbal medicine practitioners. Some claim that the essence of herbal medication renders a calculated dosage of an active ingredient impossible to administer.

Uses of Herbal Remedies:
Herbal therapy works at restoring the body to a condition of healthy balance so it can cure itself. Specific herbs operate upon different body structures. Some herbs and their typical uses which are widely used in herbal medicine include:

Echinacea – to activate the immune response and to aid the body in fighting pathogens. Known for the diagnosis of illnesses include acne, diarrhea and herpes. Another study of over 4,000 people showed a possible 10–20 percent decreased incidence of colds from taking echinacea, but there is little or no proof that once you catch it, it prevents the cold.

Dong Quai (dang GUI) – used to manage gynecological problems including premenstrual stress, signs of menopause, and period discomfort. Some studies show dong quai can lower blood pressure.
Garlic – used to decrease the likelihood of heart failure by reducing blood lipid and cholesterol rates (a form of blood lipid). The antibiotic and antiviral properties of garlic also aid protect off colds, sinusitis, and other respiratory infections.

Ginger – Several tests have found that ginger tends to relieve discomfort, including movement vomiting and morning sickness.

Biloba ginkgo – widely used to combat impaired blood pressure and tinnitus (ear ringing). Ginkgo is known to cure a large array of illnesses, including heart failure, diabetes, psychiatric disorders, and sexual dysfunction.

Ginseng – commonly used for curing exhaustion, e.g., during illness treatment. Used often to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol rates, but overuse of ginseng was correlated with elevated blood pressure. Many animal and test-tube experiments show that the special molecules named ginsenosides, display neuroprotective, anticancer, antidiabetes, and immune-supporting effects.

Hypericum-usually referred to as St. John's wort. Studies also indicated St John's wort is almost as effective in managing mild to severe depression as certain prescription antidepressants. It's also used for fear and insomnia. St John's wort can interfere with a variety of approved drugs, including the oral contraception pill, and keep them from functioning correctly.

Valerian is used to relieving depression and to reduce fear. Evidence indicates valerian can be a beneficial sleep help, but no well-designed trials are available to support the findings. Valerian is used in the United States as a flavoring for root beer and other products. Like in every natural drug, chat before taking it with your health care professional.

Milk thistle is used to manage elevated cholesterol and liver problems, and to reduce cancer cell development. Milk thistle is a herb of Mediterranean heritage. It has been used for the past few thousand years for several different illnesses, especially liver problems. Although the findings of the analysis remain unclear, some positive evidence does exist.

Bear in mind that herbal therapies will interfere adversely with certain medicines much like traditional medicines. Before incorporating a new herb or substitute to your regimen, it is advised that you check with your health care professional.