With their gorgeous black body and contrasting orange fins and head, rainbow sharks can be one of the most treasured additions in your aquarium. This breed comes from Indochina areas. Your rainbow shark can survive for many years if you learn the basics of care for this gorgeous fighter.


Know Your Shark

Rainbow sharks are privacy loving fish. It can get particularly aggressive if its peers start living around it. Also, it is a deep water creature, which means that it prefers staying in the bottom of the aquarium. And they are not very fond of partners. So keeping a pair of rainbow sharks is not a very good idea. Also, avoid keeping any type of "deep water" creatures like catfish if you have rainbow sharks.

Preparing the Aquarium

Make sure that the aquarium is roomy enough to let the rainbow shark have its own "territory." Look for a fish tank having at least 200 liters capacity. Also, consider filling in its bottom with sand. It will replicate its natural habitat. Even if you are using gravels, you might want to choose from the finer qualities. As a matter of fact, having sands can gather lesser waste than gravels. Avoid chlorinated tap water as it can particularly harm the fish. Instead, use filtered water. You can also use a chlorine testing kit to check if the water is safe enough for your finned friends.

Decorating the Fish Tank

You would ideally keep deep-rooted plants in your rainbow shark aquarium. This will give it ample space to hide, as well as keep other inmates away. Put some 'hiding' spaces like artificial caves and similar shelters. If you have a big aquarium, then you might want to keep some other types of fish, as well. In that case, consider the following:

·   Upper and mid-tank dwellers like Barbs, Rainbowfish, Danios, Rasboras, Gouramis, Loaches, Tetra fishes like neon tetras, plecos and the like
·   However, timid and smaller fishes are not really compatible with Rainbow Sharks. It can terrorize them.
·   Also, avoid long-finned fish like freshwater Angel. This is because the sharks are likely to nip the fins.

Feeding Your Fish

Even Rainbow Sharks need proper food for their optimum nutrition. However, this species is not particularly a "picky eater." You also have a variety of options to feed your sharks with. For example:

·   By and large, this fish prefers plant food, but you can also add animal-based nutrition.
·   The most common foods include algae, wafers, flakes, and pellets.
·   Once a week, you can feed with insects such as bloodworms, brine shrimps, daphnia, and the like.
·   You can also feed with sliced or boiled zucchini, cucumbers, romaine lettuce, and boiled peas occasionally. But ensure to cool the foods completely before feeding them to your fish.

Remember that rainbow sharks prefer eating while staying in the base of the aquarium. So ensure to reach the food right where it stays. You can feed the sharks just once a day.

When You Have a Mature Fish

If you want to breed your sexually mature rainbow shark, do contact a professional. Breeding this fish can be a complicated task.