Marketing yourself as a real estate agent can be overwhelming. Other than buying and selling houses, you must also focus on spreading the word about you and your business.

By following strategic and simple tips for advertising your brand, you can begin to grow your business and earn clients without hassle or stress. 


1. Choose a Niche

To stand out as a real estate agent, it is important to become an expert in a niche market. If your city is saturated with competition, gaining expertise in a specific niche could be the tool you need to get clients and grow your business.

Ask yourself what type of real estate you want to sell. Houses? Apartments? What size?

Ask yourself what type of clients you want to sell to. Young families? Singles? Older couples? 

Narrow down the specific aspects of real estate you enjoy, and then focus on primarily selling real estate to that target market. Potential buyers and sellers will recognize your expertise in their niche and turn to you for all of their real estate needs. 

Highlight your niche in your marketing efforts to attract quality clients to your business.

2. Be Present on Social Media 

Real estate agents must have a strong presence on social media to effectively promote themselves and their businesses. In today’s digital world, social media has become a necessity for marketing. 

Create and optimize your social media profiles on a variety of platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Regularly post, like, comment, and share content.

Social media platforms are the ideal place to promote who you are and what your business contributes to the community. Generate relationships and establish an active presence on multiple platforms to market your real estate expertise. 

3. Build a Website 

Customers appreciate easy-to-navigate websites that include relevant information needed for them to make decisions. Before advertising your properties and business online, make sure your website is set up for success. 

When building your website, choose a clean and uncluttered design. Select colors that match your business’s branding and tone. List your properties and include high-quality images and important information. Make it easy for users to find your contact and payment information on your website. 

Create your website with your clients in mind to ensure you provide the information they need to choose your business.

4. Post Relevant Content

Connecting with your customers can be easily accomplished by creating content that resonates with your audience. Consider producing a regular blog or well-timed articles on your website or similar sites. 

Create content relevant to real estate and your niche. Focus on writing pieces that relate to your clients or answer frequently asked questions. Your content should creatively cover a variety of tips related to buying and selling houses. 

Posting content will help grow awareness of your business. Additionally, it improves the quality of your brand because customers recognize your willingness to help. 

Keep your business relevant by posting content your clients crave. 

5. Share Your Brand 

To spread awareness of your business, you must share your brand. Printing your brand on promotional products is an easy method for distributing your logo and information about your business. The more potential clients use your product, the more they are reminded of your business. 

Tips for choosing promotional products to purchase includes:

Keeping your products usable and logical. For example, pens and water bottles are items people need and use regularly.
Buying items that highlight a unique or relevant aspect of your business. For example, real estate agents could use keychains or tape measures.
Considering products that are timely or trendy in society. For example, branded hand sanitizer and facemasks are popular products due to Covid-19.

Advertise your brand on promotional products to grow awareness of your business.

6. Ask for Referrals

Many people looking to sell or buy a house turn to friends and family for advice about real estate agents in the area. Utilize this word-of-mouth marketing that occurs naturally by asking for referrals. According to, the hardest part about referrals is finding the courage to ask.

Reach out to clients you’ve worked with in the past and ask for a referral. If they were pleased with your service, they will be more than happy to pass your name along to their friends and family. 

Marketing your business through client references is an excellent method for growing your brand and earning clients. 

Effectively marketing yourself as a real estate agent can be accomplished through a variety of methods. You must be active in the community, helpful towards potential customers, and not afraid to ask for assistance from past clients. 

If you follow these tips for marketing your business, you’ll be able to successfully grow your company and increase your clients.