Confronting an addiction to alcohol or drugs is scary! And, anyone who struggles with addiction wants to know what caused their addiction. Is it caused by genetics or other external factors like the way how a person is raised or who they spend most of the time with? Or is it just a childhood trauma?

Well, there is no one single cause of addiction. Typically, it is a combination of many factors, including environmental, social, and genetic. While many addicts share similar stories, but their addiction is a unique path that revolves around their individual circumstances.


Depending upon the severity of their symptoms, they receive different treatment in an alcohol rehab that caters to their needs. Moreover, just because someone completes a formal rehab program at the best substance abuse treatment centers doesn’t mean they are done being an addict. Some addicts have to struggle more than the others on their journey to sobriety.

That being said, genetics, mental or childhood issues, trauma, family history, relationships, etc. can affect a person’s habit of substance abuse. Below are some of the environmental factors that influence alcohol or substance addiction-

School and Work Environment
Peer groups, such as friends and acquaintances, play an important role in a person’s substance addiction. Peers who use drugs, alcohol, etc. encourage friends to try such substances at least once.

A person with poor academic or professional life, low self-esteem, or poor social skills is at a higher risk of getting addicted to such substances. They may hear their co-workers abusing such substances on a daily basis so that they can sustain their work output.

Family Interactions
Another key factor that influences the addictive behavior is a person’s early life experiences. Parenting styles, their level of supervision, and family interactions play an important role in mental health diseases, like substance abuse.

In the early years of addiction, a person develops strategies to cope with stress. However, later these strategies become maladaptive, leading to self-destructive behaviors. It is a serious phase of addiction and the person's medical supervision.

Look for professional drug rehabs in Indiana that offers detox programs and inpatient treatment tailored to match the individual needs.

Social Media
Though social media has many benefits, it has downfalls too. When a person struggling with emotional issues sees other people online who pretend to be happy and enjoying life, it makes them feel socially isolated and exacerbate feelings of shame.

Alcohol rehab center in Indiana offers counseling, peer support groups, and detox programs that encourage the addicts to live a healthy, drug-free life. If you spot that your loved one has been influenced by social media for their habit of addiction, it is high time to look for a renowned rehab center like drug rehab Indiana to save their life.

Culture or Religion
Religious or cultural things, like early experiences or teachings related to the same, geographical area in which a person grows up, etc. also trigger addiction. Some cultures accept male drinking but not female drinking, thus have different rates of substance abuse by gender. Sometimes, problematic behaviors develop as a response in rebellion against such norms.

These influences are just risk factors. They do not account for all the reasons why people struggle with addiction. However, knowing that these environmental factors trigger addiction will help you control the situation and minimize the effects.