
During these tough Covid-19 times, the motor industry needs all the support it can get. Transport is an essential element of life. As such, fighting to deal with the impacts of the Covid-19 virus on the industry is imperative. One way to support the motor industry is by ensuring that the industrial floors in the motor factories and service areas are well installed so that vehicles can be manufactured and serviced conveniently. This is because a good working environment ensures that the motor industry provides us with the best transport vehicles.

Staying Safe From the COVID-19

Industrial floor installers must first and foremost make sure that they stay safe from contracting the Corona Virus even as they continue to offer flooring services. The necessary PPE equipment should be provided to flooring companies to make sure their staff are protected. Training on how to use the PPEs is also necessary. The motor industry is a vital sector of the market, and its operations cannot stop because of the virus, so the only option left is to ensure employees are fully protected. You can check this Car Showroom Flooring Contractors who are covid-ready and helps many motor companies to have hygienic floor within their budget.

Flooring Needs of the Motor Industry

The motor industry has unique needs when it comes to the floors. This is because the industry engages in unique operations of repairing and manufacturing cars which differs greatly from other industries. A motor company will require the floors of its premises to have the following features:

1. Should be quick and easy to install; this is because any time taken to install floors in the motor industry translates into downtime. To reduce the amount of time work is put on hold, the floor installed should be fast and easy to install. Time is of great essence, especially in these tough times.

2. The anti-slip floor features: most of the areas in the motor industry will require anti-slip floors. This is because the activities of a motor company will involve the use of oil, grease and sometimes water. The employees must operate on anti-slip floors to avoid accidents. Anti-slip floors are also very easy to work in because employees do not fear sliding. This increases efficiency in the motor industry.

3. Easy to clean; industrial floors in the motor industry should be easy to clean. This is because of the industry deals in a lot of manual work which involves the use of various chemicals and substances that often spill on the floor. The floor needs to be easy to clean to make sure that more time is spent working rather than cleaning the premises.

4. Impervious to grease, oil and fuel; motor industry floors need to be impervious to grease, oil and fuel because these are the main substances that the industry works with. If a floor does not have this feature, it will be more prone to damage, meaning that there will be a need to replace the floor every once in a while. That is not convenient and cheap, is it?

5. Inexpensive; during these Covid-19 times, the best support to offer the motor industry is financial support. Providing great industrial floors at an affordable price will go a long way into reducing their cost of operations. The industry will need floors that give them enough value for their money.

6. Easy to colour; Industrial flooring agencies need to make sure that the motor industry has a variety of colours to choose from when it comes to their floors. This is because some areas may need darker colours than other areas. Some motor companies may also prefer to colour their floors according to their brand colours.

7. Great demarcation features; the motor industry operates in different sections whose floors must be demarcated. Flooring companies can support the motor industry by making sure that their floors are well demarcated. Demarcation lines on the floors should be of different colours if need be.

8. Safety: Industrial floors, especially in the motor industry, must be safe for employees and outsiders as well. This means that the floor should be accident-proof. Floors cause accidents through sliding or catching fire. 

Damage to property, loss of life and financial loss in terms of legal costs arising from the accidents. It is therefore important to make sure that the floors are fireproof. Floors can also expose employees and outsiders to diseases, especially if they get wet. The motor industry needs a floor that does not absorb fluids which leads do bacteria thriving in the floors.
Motor Industry Floors

The motor industry has various sections where different motor operations take place. Each section requires a different type of floor. The different sections and their flooring needs are discussed below.

HGV Workshops and Inspection Bays 

This section requires floors that are durable and not easy to wear out. The floors also need to be anti-slip to make sure vehicles and workers do not slide. The floors should also have visible chevrons to create bays to walk in or reverse vehicles. 

Body Shops

This section of the motor industry premises requires the use of resin floors because they are perfect for spray booths. It is also the best section to implement the colouring that the company wants. Most motor industry companies paint the floors of their body shops with their corporate brand floors.

Franchise Garages

The flooring in this section needs to be attractive because it is the section that outsiders often visit. The floor must be durable and resistant to wear and tear because heavy automobiles are placed here. The floor should also be easy to clean to save on time. A variety of colours can be applied on this floor.

Impact of COVID-19 on the Motor Industry

The motor industry is dealing with many challenges as a result of the Corona Virus. This has made its operations quite hard. The industry has lost millions over the last few months. The industry, therefore, needs a lot of support from governments and other corporates to make sure that it continues to offer its essential services. 

We cannot operate without the motor industry. Bringing Industrial flooring ideas to life for the motor industry ensures that the industry does not have to deal with floor problems because it already has too many problems on its plate!