You're getting ready for the trip to Japan you've been planning for some time. You cannot wait to relax in the mountains and breathe fresh air. But you feel sad because you're traveling to the mountainside and cannot take advantage of the trip to its fullest because you don't know to ski. So, what's your plan for the next week? Are you just going to stay in the base area and drink hot chocolate and wine? 

Instead of wasting time, you can hire an instructor, even if at the first glimpse, their rates may look a little pricey. You want to learn to ski, but booking an instructor feels like wasting money during the holiday. You don't want to transform your Japan ski holiday into a luxurious trip, but the benefits of a lesson with an expert aren't negligible. The instructor knows the area, evaluates your skills, and provides you with recommendations on how to improve them, and takes out the stress that you may get injured on the track. Still not convinced to hire one? Here are some extra reasons.        


The instructor teaches you to stay safe on the slopes
If you're a novice, it's essential to take some lessons before hitting the slope alone. The instructor teaches you the basic techniques to prevent injuries and protect you against accidents that may put you or the other skiers in danger. 
When you watch a pro sliding on the track, you think skiing is easy, but when you try to do it, you understand it's harder than you've imagined. Taking some lessons guarantees you that you won't experience problems. It also stops you from embarrassing yourself in front of experienced skiers. You can expect many professionals to hit the slopes in the Hakuba valley because it's famous for its high-quality tracks and entertainment options.       
You make new friends during lessons
You won't be the only beginner who's taking lessons. Expect the instructor to take you to an area where other novice skiers learn to stay safe on the slopes. You can also choose group skiing lessons because they're more affordable than hiring an individual instructor. The fact that you all lack skills and experience on the slopes will grow a sort of camaraderie and encourage you to achieve the best. You're all in the same boat, so you'll find it easy to socialize. 

You learn the proper technique
When you try to learn yourself how to ski, you won't acquire the right skills and can injure yourself. Teaching yourself seems easy and cheap, but a poor skiing technique damages your joints in the long term. Skiing is a challenging sport for your body on its own, don't add more achiness with an improper technique. The instructor evaluates your abilities, and according to your needs, they choose the best technique to teach you. They also provide you with insider knowledge about the resort and valley to make sure you make the most out of your experience. From the best tracks to the secret bars, only the locals enjoy, they offer invaluable knowledge.