With fast-evolving technology, coding has become a crucial skill to acquire. Kids must learn coding from an early age. The best way to help your child learn to code is by introducing them to some interactive programming languages to study the advanced concepts later. Programming for kids is a way to interact with computers through high-level languages. 


Programming or coding enables kids to understand how machines work and operate various commands. While a child can learn to code at any age, coding from an early stage can help them form the fundamental knowledge of various technologies.

Different programming languages are used to communicate instructions to a computer. With each language specializing in a particular aspect of programming, various programming languages specialize in diverse domains. For example, JavaScript is prominent for reaching web audiences, and Python is applied in fields like AI. Here are some of the top programming languages for kids in 2021:

The block-based UI of Scratch allows kids to create interactive programs that boost their interest in programming and computer languages. It is suitable for younger kids aged between 8-16 years. This block-based interactive language enables kids to learn fundamentals quickly. The visualized programming format is highly effective in delivering precise knowledge to young kids. It is a kid-friendly language and has a vast playground for everyone to explore. 

Blockly is an interactive programming language that provides its users a block-based coding interface. Blockly is also used along with other languages like JavaScript, Lua, and Python to produce code in the respective languages through the visual block linking. Children are quickly able to understand and learn the structure of the program with this language. Blockly framework is available across various platforms, including Android and IOS. It helps kids to get some practice on mobile devices as well as on web browsers. Blockly is highly applicable in creating animated characters, robots, and story scripts which makes it a perfect choice for young kids to begin their coding journey interestingly.

Python is a well-known coding language widely applied on various platforms in the programming world. Python for kids is a great choice to start learning to program as it is one of the most basic languages with an intuitive format and simple syntax. The highly enriched inbuilt library of this language enables kids to create any simple and complex programs with ease. Kids starting to learn to program will find it quite convenient to learn python programming to kick-start their coding journey. 

Ruby is a highly flexible object-oriented programming language used by many companies in creating professional web-based applications. Ruby has a simple syntax and a natural structure for kids to understand and use it. It is one of the widely accepted and applied programming languages with a powerful yet beginner-friendly programming style. This simple programming format makes Ruby highly suitable for kids. It is also an excellent way to introduce the concept of object-oriented programming concepts for kids.

JavaScript is one of the most popular languages. Programmers generally use this scripting language a lot. To learn to code using javascript is simple to start as it does not require any complicated setup or separate compilers. It is also called the internet language due to its usability in online games and interactive websites. With JavaScript, kids can quickly learn to start programming as it has very lucid syntax. Running these scripts is also quite flexible on any platform. Children can acquire coding skills easily with this text-based language to implement them.