If you run a business, big or small, chances are you don’t give a heck of a lot of thought to just how clean your office is. You might own an entire office building or you might rent just one floor or you might even simply lease a few rooms. Whatever the case, you’re probably so busy during any given workday that the last thing on your mind is a thoroughly clean work environment.  


But according to a recent report, it’s imperative to make sure you don’t neglect the importance of a clean office. The office is your main business headquarters, and where you and your employees spend at least 8 hours per day, five days per week. It’s where all your hard work happens, and where all your ideas are put into play. 

It’s also where your clients come to meet with you. You don’t want to give them a bad impression right from the get-go. A messy, cluttered space, combined with filthy windows will leave a lasting bad impression.   

As luck would have it, you don’t have to take time out of your busy day to scrub the office clean. The commercial cleaning companies in Tampa are designed to take care of the mess for you and make your office shine inside and out. For instance, window cleaning can drastically improve the appearance of your office (or home), taking it from lackluster to sparkling in just a few hours. 

Says Geek Window Cleaning, who provide window cleaning in Austin, smudges on your windows can, over time, cause discoloration of the window glass. They can also hide imperfections in the glass that could result in serious trouble during a sudden windstorm, for instance. In that sense, keeping your windows clean could be construed as a safety issue.    

But windows aren’t the only thing that require serious attention when it comes to cleaning your workplace. That said, here are just a few of the advantages a clean office can provide you with. 

Healthier Employees
A dusty, unclean office space is likely to spread flu and other diseases between you and your employees. Airborne dust can also cause employees who also have allergies to suffer from persistent sore throat, runny nose, itchy eyes, and constant sneezing. That means time off from work in order to recover. 

But allergic office workers will also feel tired and irritated during the workday, making them far less productive. In a word, a healthy office environment will keep them feeling healthy and therefore happy. Happy employees are productive employees. Full stop. That means more money for your bottom line. 

A Profound Professional Image
A client’s first impression is often their most lasting impression. When they walk into your office and see that it’s disorganized, dusty, and just plain unprofessional, they will assume that if you can’t keep your own place in order, you’re not about to keep their account in good order. Chances are, you will lose them. Once you start losing clients, word will get out and soon your business will be slapped with a bad reputation. 

But if you keep your office space, bathrooms, and windows clean, it will be a reflection on the kind of work your company can do. It will, in the long run, earn you a stellar reputation since it shows you “pay attention to the details.” 

High Productivity
Cleaning your office thoroughly not only means cleaning the windows and the carpets, but also removing dust and grime from workstations while keeping files organized. This promotes office efficiency. Employees who don’t to need waste precious time by having to search for every little filed item, will increase their productivity by leaps and bounds. 

Disorganized offices can actually cause significant employee stress since important folders, memos, and files always seem to be hidden under huge piles of unprocessed paperwork on someone’s desk. Employers need to stress the importance of his or her employees keeping their desks organized as opposed to so cluttered you can’t even view the desk surface.   

As a final note, maintaining clean and fresh air, along with a sparkling clean facilities, will give your employees a mental boost. This boost will translate into better focus and a much stronger work code. As an employer, your best bet is to keep your office space shipshape by hiring a reputable professional cleaning service which will, in the short and long run, save you precious time and money.