
Separation anxiety hits at any child development stage. Your 9-month-old baby can suddenly wail as you leave for work or your 3-year-old will sob when dropping them at the daycare centre.

It is exhausting for working parents and their kids, but separation anxiety does not last forever. To help you through these emotional times, here are five best long day care centre tips to help ease child separation anxiety.

Set a Morning Routine

Kids are more secure when they know what is coming. A morning routine helps your child through the transition from home to childcare at centres such as the Hillsdon Kindergarten.

It helps your child remember what is coming next; you leave them at the centre for the day. Avoid skipping any part of your routine so they don’t feel stressed or rushed.

A sample morning routine might include:

Early morning cuddle on the couch or bed
Eating breakfast, brushing teeth, and getting dressed
Packing for daycare and getting into the stroller or car
Making the trip to daycare a joyful one, perhaps with sing-along tunes
Getting your child settled at the centre and a quick goodbye

Create a Goodbye Ritual

Some centres have a “bye window,” which allows a parent to lean in and give a goodbye wave or kiss. Older kids can start their day outdoors and part of the playground equipment may include something they call a “bye tower.” Children climb up and wave as their parents drive away.

If your childcare centre does not have a goodbye ritual, suggest one. You can even go a step further and create a special goodbye word or ritual. It takes a few weeks to establish this new routine, but eventually, your child will know what to expect.

Set a Positive Tone


Children are sensitive to your moods. Even infants can tell when a parent is upset and start fussing. Older children can become clingy or act out when their parents are not happy.

According to experts at the best long day care centre in Queensland, displaying your unhappiness or anxiety can make the child think that something’s wrong with leaving them behind. They eventually conclude that it is not safe for them to be left.

Therefore, no matter how you are feeling during drop off time, always smile! Adopt a positive tone as you speak about the amount of fun your little will have. Make sure they believe they are going to have an awesome do and they will.

Make the Break Clean

Don’t linger if your child is having a hard time separating. Prolonging the goodbye because they are crying will only make matters worse tomorrow.

Kindergarten Brisbane teachers recommend giving an extra kiss, big hug, and a smile when your child is upset, but detach yourself. It’s critical you remain strong and only dawdle when you are out of sight until the crying subsides. It will only take a minute or less!

Make sure you do not forget something that might force you to go back. Instead, ask another parent to deliver your baby’s favourite cup or the keys you left. 

Identify and Avoid Triggers of Anxiety

Pay attention to days your child has difficulty separating. See if they are related to certain recent events. And make sure that you are not rushing through the morning ritual steps.

Mondays can be stressful. The teachers at Holland Park Kindergarten recommend giving extra affection and time on the first day after a vacation or a weekend. As you say goodbye, tell your kid that you will pick them early.

Get Help from Childcare Experts

The best long day care centre caregivers can offer more advice on what to do if your child struggles with separation anxiety. A plan that both of you agree on is much easier to implement than anything you might dream up.

Check out our blog for more tips on childcare.