When you need to pick a gift for the woman in your life, many people can get stuck on what to buy. Women are often difficult to shop for because they have so many interests and hobbies.

However, there is one item that every woman could use - a watch! Watches are an accessory that nearly every single woman wears day-to-day. But picking out the perfect watch can be hard.

 That's why we've compiled this list of 5 tips for finding the best watches available on the market!

 Find Out Her Style

 If you know the style of a women’s watch she usually wears, then it makes selecting a gift much easier. But if you don't or are unsure, there are some basic guidelines to help with your decision:
·      Sports watches (talking about ones that can measure heart rate) tend to be more appealing for active types and those working in an industry that's all about performance and endurance
·      If your recipient has a traditional style, consider getting her something classic like the timeless Rolex or Cartier watch.
·      If your recipient is more of a modern type and prefers minimalistic styles, then go with brands like Nordgreen, Rosefield or Cluse
·      If your recipient is very feminine, consider a watch with pink or gold features. If she's more of an edgy type and likes to have her own style, then go for a sports-inspired timepiece or something that will stand out from the crowd.

 Consider the Occasion and Budget

What kind of event are you getting this gift for, how much do they usually spend on a watch? Remember that watches can be expensive.

 They're not like other accessories or clothes where you can just get a cheap one if it's too much money - most people only wear their watches every day so they'll be wearing them for a long time.

 The more you're willing to spend, the better quality watch you can get. If they don't want something too expensive, then just try to find one that matches their style or needs.

Include Some Personalized Touches

 Adding some personalized touches to your watch will give your gift a more personal feeling. If the intended recipient is someone who loves fashion, then you might want to buy their initials on the face of the watch or engrave your own name on it.

 If they have a favorite flower that's not prominently featured in all things floral (Easter lilies) for example, then add an accent strap in the same color as their favorite flower.

 If you're not sure what size to get, then measure the recipient's wrist and use that measurement when ordering a watch strap or bracelet - it will automatically come in the right length for them!

Think About What Size Watch Face Will Fit Best on Her Wrist Of course, there are as many wrist sizes for women as there are watches. But once you know the size and thickness of her skin on the backside of the arm (where she will wear a watch), it's easier to find one that fits well.

For example, if your mother has paper-thin skin, then a watch that has a delicate, thin band and bracelet will work well. But if she has thick skin, then you should find something with thicker links such as gold link chain style.

 Ask Advice from Her Family or Friends

 Ask advice from her family or friends. They'll know what she likes, and they might have some insight into who the best person to ask is for that special woman in your life!

 Asking them will somehow give you a better idea of what she likes and who will know her well. She might not even be aware that it's something she would like to have, but someone on the inside knows how important this is for her--and may have given it to her in the past.
There you go! Five tips that may help you before buying the perfect watch gift for a woman in your life. If you need more tips on how to pick the perfect watch gift for a woman, keep following this blog as we will be posting more content soon!