Cleaning your office is more important than you think. Whether you work from home or at a company location, a tidy workplace gives you the space to work as efficiently as possible. So get rid of your cluttered desk and start your working day with our tips.


1. Cleaning the office for better performance

Did you know that you perform better in a clean office? Not surprisingly; Grease stains in the kitchen and stale sanitary facilities do not immediately give you a good feeling. On the contrary, several studies have shown that a clean office makes for happier and more productive employees. There is also less absenteeism in a clean office! Do you also want to immediately clean your office? Pay attention to this:

The floor: sweep it, or vacuum it. Immediately run a mop over a hard floor. Stubborn stains on the floor? Also clean it right away.

Invest in a trash can so that you can quickly throw away all your junk from now on.

Adhere to the “clean desk policy”. This is mandatory in some offices, and rightly so. So make sure that your messy desk is completely cleaned up at the end of your day. 

If you have re-opened your office after a long lockdown due to the current COVID situation then you would need commercial disinfection services after regular intervals to keep your employees safe from getting infected.
Don’t forget to clean your computer!

2. Messy desk? No longer!

Just to come back to that clean desk policy: make short work of a messy desk. No, you really don't have to throw away everything that doesn't bring you pleasure. But it doesn't hurt to do a big cleaning every now and then. Since you spend many hours a day at your desk, it will come as no surprise that you accumulate a lot of junk there. Do you also find at least ten pens, loose post-its, two packs of chewing gum, a box of thumbtacks, a few notepads and more on your desk? Then it's time to clean up. Don't want to throw anything away? Then buy a desk or invest in a good folder system. This way you still have everything at hand, but you no longer have clutter on your desk.

3. Vacuum regularly in places where food is eaten

Do you eat your sandwich at your workplace every day? Or do you and your colleagues eat lunch in the company canteen? There is a good chance that the breadcrumbs can be found everywhere. So don't forget to vacuum at least once or twice behind and under your furniture. In these places you collect the largest dust nests in a short time. And don't forget your office chair. A lot of dust is also collected there.

4. Cleaning up your office together

“Teamwork makes the dream work”, they sometimes say. This also applies to office cleaning. Did the cleaning company just drop by, but did someone spill? Then make an appointment with your colleagues to clean this immediately. These don't have to be big things at all, but if everyone puts their cups in the dishwasher right away and doesn't leave them lying on the counter, then everyone will be happier. Motivate your colleagues to do their best too. If everyone does his or her part, work will be more pleasant.

5. Toilet Cleaning

Are you one of those employees who prefer to postpone his toilet visits until home? More than 60 percent of employees are annoyed by a dirty and foul-smelling toilet at work. If you wash your hands well after using the toilet, you can use the toilet at work with peace of mind. But beware, washing your hands properly takes time: 20-30 seconds.